7 Reasons Why Startups Should Count on a Node.js Development Company

Are you seeking the potent means to gear up your online presence? If the answer is yes, nothing is overwhelming about this fact. After all, online presence plays a key part in growing your business in the business landscape of the 21st century. A node.js development company with a team of trusted developers earned the faith of startups and leading names for several reasons. 

This blog will focus on all these reasons. Besides, take a look at the names of some famous apps that have counted on this cutting-edge technology.

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Popular Apps Built by a Node.js Development Company

Why Node.js is an ideal Fit for StartUps?

Final Lines

Popular Apps Built by a Node.js Development Company 

PayPal – This dependable app used for money transfer or accepting is a leading user of Node.js technology. Interestingly, node.js was not the initial choice for this purpose. But after switching to it as a prototyping platform, the node.js web framework has proven its efficiency. Node.js offers several benefits for this app, including fewer files, a doubled request rate, a decreased average response time, etc.

LinkedIn – Hiring node.js developers was not anything new for this professional business-focused social platform. It switched from Ruby on Rails to Node.js for its excellent scalability, speed, and efficiency level. The benefits LinkedIn got from Node.js are doubled traffic capacity rate, enhanced performance level, decreased machine numbers, etc.

NASA- The prime motto of the NASA app is to ensure the safety of the astronauts at the time of challenging space expeditions. Access timeline reduction by moving data to a single codebase was a challenge for NASA. Using Node.js helped to reduce the procedural steps from 28 to 7.

NetFlix- This leading online video streaming platform is also a proud user of this technology. Initially, NetFlix came with a full-featured nature and certain complexities. NetFlix owners decided to shift the UI to Node.js to sort out this issue. Node.js development services became successful in proving their effectiveness by offering different benefits. A few of those worth-mentioning advantages include reduced build time, organized development, increased customization level, etc.

Why Node.js is an ideal Fit for StartUps?

Therefore, the names of leading apps emphasize the uniqueness and effectiveness of Node.js. However, like those leading names, many startups also prefer to hire node js developerThese lines explain the causes why this technology is a good fit for new business owners.

High Scalability Level- Scalability is a notable feature of Node.js. Besides startups choose a Node.js development company to develop fast and lightweight apps with a considerable response time. Load balancing and the quality of handling several concurrent connections enable node.js to get that scalability.

Simple Development Solutions- Node.js will be the best fit if easy app development is your choice. In node.js development, you don’t need to bother switching between backend and frontend. You can expect an easy development solution when you opt for this technology. All apps written in Node.js need lesser codes and fewer files.

Quicker Time-to-Market- Time is valuable, it does not matter whether it is a startup or an established business. This technology helps offer a shorter time-to-market cycle. Node.js is a lightweight technology that helps in reducing app development time also. Another thing about this technology is it decreases the app development time. 

Active Community- Hire a Node.js development company if you want to get the best services from a creative and active community. NPM or Node package manager is the quickest growing software in the world. The availability of varied templates and a range of libraries in Node.js allow incorporating the codes taking minimal effort and time.

Compatibility with Mobiles – Node.js is the best fit for mobile platforms. Key features, including fewer script lines, robustness, compatibility make this technology a perfect alternative for this. Productivity is a concern almost for every startup. Top-level productivity is assured when you hire a dedicated Node.js developer. Besides enhanced productivity levels, node.js has proven its efficiency in developing quality parameters.

High Development Speed- Faster development is the choice for every new business owner. You can accelerate this process easier by using Node.js. It comes with a varied range of tools that ensure quicker development. Among many, this reason makes Node.js a good fit for start-ups. Hire express.js developer from a reputable firm and develop your app quickly.  

Suitable MVP Development Solutions- Quick development of MVP (Minimum Viable Product) gets easier when you choose Node.js. MVP refers to software that allows a smooth product introduction to the market and creates a good first impression among users. It is the fundamental stage of developing a full-fledged app. 

Final Lines

Don’t hesitate to contact a Node.js development company anymore. Hire nest js developer from us and ensure exponential business growthOur company works with dedicated and skilled developers who give cent percent effort to provide quality results to the customers. As an award winner, we try to give our best to maintain the service quality and transparency level, and these facts are reflected in our works.
