Angular Web Development: What makes it the Perfect Choice?

Angular web development

Creating an engaging and smooth website that will stand apart from others is not a matter of joke. You need to consider many factors, including animation, responsiveness, design, chatbot, etc to make this happen. And to make a perfect website, the first thing you require is a top frontend web framework like Angular. Google introduced it as AngularJS in 2009 with the dream of offering an easy web app development experience to developers. But this proved to be a problematic framework with lots of libraries. Google introduced a typescript-based open-source framework named Angular in 2016. However, Angular web development has got such relevance due to some excellent features of this framework.

Here you will get a glimpse of those features besides getting an idea about the current Angular development trends and other relevant facts.

Table of Content

Generic Features of Angular

Technical Characteristics of Angular

The state of Angular development in 2021

Is Angular Development Still a Preferable Choice?


Generic Features of Angular

Angular development

  • Suitable for Cross-platform Apps

Angularjs development is the top solution to build PWAs or progressive web apps. They come with the latest web capacity and give an app-like user experience. You can arrange an application both as progressive and native when you develop it with Angular.

  • Wide Range of usage

As a top frontend technology, AngularJS helps in developing more mind-blowing web apps. It also allows creating animations that give an excellent user experience. Developers can prepare classy choreographic and animations with AngularJS API (Application Programming Interface)

  • Optimal Performance Level

Angular can turn the template into codes. It leverages the codes (the hand-written codes) on the productive frameworks. Another fact about Angular is, it renders different codes into both CSS and HTML and comes with the first view of apps on the platforms like PHP, Node.js, etc.

Technical Characteristics of Angular

Angular development services

  • TypeScript Feature

Angularjs web development provides a seamless development experience because of this feature. In 2019, this was the best choice for front-end development. Typescript is efficient in bug detection, and it lessens the development time. Compared to JavaScript it has a wider variety of interfaces, generics, enums, and hybrid types.

  • Directives

Directives are one of the worth-mentioning features of AngularJS. Directives help to create customizable HTML tags that can serve as custom widgets. Also, Directives manipulate the DOM attributes.

  • Component Development Kit and & Material 

With the latest version upgrades, this technology has been developing its CDKs. Virtual scrolling and refreshing options are the current additions that offer dynamic loading and DOM unfold to create performing data.

  • MVC Architecture

MVC (Model-View- Controller) refers to a software pattern for app development. Here the model layer is responsible for managing the app data when the view layer displays data. The purpose of the controller layer is to connect the model and view data.

In any other MVC architecture, developers require splitting data into these sections and write code for the connection. But the scenario differs in Angular web development. Here developers split the app into it. This quality of AngularJS saves coding time.

  • Efficient data Binding 

This framework provides a two-way data binding. It denotes the view layer represent the model. Angular development always comes with the updated model and view layers that help to remain in sync with one another. This feature makes sure if any change happens in the model layer, it will reflect in the view layer. Two-way data binding offers a quicker development.

The state of Angular development in 2021

JS rivalry is giving competition to Angular. At the beginning of this century, the idea of interactive frontend was an after-thought. The market potential of the 21st century brought rapid advancement in the frontend development sector.

Now, every half year, dedicated Angular experts develop many new libraries. 2016 was the year that saw the shift from Angularjs to Angular.

Anyway, as the recent trends say, both Angular is behind ReactJS in many aspects. A lesser number of developers show an interest in using this framework. Both Angular 1 and 2 failed to create strong footage in the developers’ community.

But thankfully, Google is making constant changes to its versions so that Angular application development can meet the future needs of both users and developers.

And to make it happen, Google has introduced Angular 10 in 2020. Features including ecosystem updates, team updates, default browser configuration make this version popular.

Is Angular Development Still a Preferable Choice?

The answer is YES! Many causes are there that enable Angular web development to retain the demand. Check some of these reasons from these lines.

  1. The Brainchild of Google- As said before, Google is the creator and upholder of this frontend technology. So, staying with AngularJs will hardly give you many chances to get disappointed.
  2. Convenient Documentation-The extensive documentation makes AngularJS popular. Developers can find all relevant information from there.
  3. Testing- This one is a crucial part of any software development process. Improperly written codes create poor apps that can’t perform properly. Good tests can sort out different problems. AngularJS has all beginning with routing through templates to the relevant testing components.
  4. First Impression Matters- Visual appeal of any website matters a lot. And you may be sure to get apps with great visual appeal using Angular. A Top Angular Development Company creates visually attractive sites with the help of pre-built UI modules and components backed up by Google.


Angular development services have a credible position in the web app development sector already. Developers and users are keeping their faith in it. The dependence of leading sites like Samsung Forward, Google’s marketing platform state this fact. So, go for Angular web Development and to get the top solutions, contact us now. Our skilled Angular developers have been giving the top solutions for a decade at a fair rate.
