Android Developer Tech Book: 5 Best Shopping Apps of 2021

The eCommerce business is soaring! People today have taken to online shopping like never before, and industries are competing worldwide to provide the best shopping apps for users. From grocery, tech, services, lifestyle, etc., every component has a shopping app. This is why the need for an intuitive iOS and Android developer is aplenty.

After all, with more than 81% of the global population owning a smartphone today, people are glued to apps. So, it is undoubtedly the job of an entrepreneur to use this to their best potential.

The right eCommerce app can guarantee a business ROI, and Android is the best platform to do that! Now if you wonder why?

Why are Android Apps Popular with Users?

As per eMarketer estimates, Android shopping apps are in demand and enjoy around $3.5 trillion downloads as of 2021. Some of its key players like Amazon Shopping enjoy 500,000,000 downloads a month. Other reasons being –

  • 35% of users in the States prefer Android devices for shopping.
  • 65% of users use android apps to compare store prices and buy products online.
  • 67% of users prefer android apps as these are easily available, free, fast, and consumer-friendly.

Well! Now that you know the statistics, you should check out some of the apps developed by Android development experts.

5 Best Shopping Applications Developed by Android Developers

Recently, eBay used Flutter to build android app, and till now, it doing pretty well. The eBay platform allows users to buy anything and everything from a pair of socks to a fridge. What’s more? It is also a hub for sellers. It helps people own up their shops and connect to potential buyers.

You can connect to prospective buyers and sellers across the globe. For instance, you need a condiment from China; you can get it via eBay.

Therefore, if you want to develop an app like eBay, you can hire android developer to fulfill your technical needs.

1. Amazon


The majority of people in the United States and beyond prefer to use Amazon for their shopping experience. Amazon is one of the best creations as it offers exceptional services. With AI integration and a beautiful UI/UX, Amazon coaxes its buyers to invest in its products and services. From clothes, groceries, toiletries to tech, almost everything is available for consumers shopping on Amazon.

Further, netizens can use Alexa to buy on this app. It lets you scan products, share links and is very simple to use. Additionally, this app like eBay provides a free download option.

2. Wish

If you are looking to hire android app developer for gift shop apps, Wish can be an example. Wish complies with a customized feed that helps users find the best gift items for loved ones. Its AI suggests practical products that you need based on your search queries. The feed moreover, is beautiful and aesthetic.

Its premise is somewhat like that of eBay, and you can go through certified customer reviews to ensure that a product is doing well. Consumers also submit real-life images for other customers to view and decide before investing in selected goods.

3. Out for Milk

Apart from eCommerce, people often buy groceries online. Out for Milk is a popular grocery app with a beautiful UI. It is easy to use and showcases multiple grocery lists. You can further share this list with your fellow shoppers. It has to-do lists, areas showcasing product availability, and more.

The app is moreover a good one but faces one downside. It is available only in the US and Canada.

However, you can use the reference and develop a similar app for the global market. For this purpose, take the help of skilled android coders for hire.

4. AliExpress


AliExpress is another app that shares the spotlight after eBay and Amazon. It has grown quite fancy over the years and has functionalities similar to eBay. It lets you purchase a plethora of products from it, and consumers can sell on this too.

These sellers further have ratings and are ranked as per consumer satisfaction. Additionally, consumers also rate products so that other users can find the best pick from the plethora of available items on the app. Apart from this, the app flaunts search tools, flash sale information, discounts, giveaways, and more.

You can also make a similar app for your enterprise! Just ensure to hire a trusted Android developer for the task.

Final Say

Android is doing wonders in the field of eCommerce, and its exposure is likely to grow. Therefore, build an eCommerce android app for your enterprise and enjoy guaranteed revenue. Meanwhile, if you are wondering about hiring a scalable android app development company, Techno Exponent is your best shot. We have a group of the best developers on board after careful market screening. So, hire android developer from us and let our enterprise pave the way for manifesting your app dreams.
