Flutter Vs. React Native- What’s the Best for Mobile App Development

Flutter Vs React Native- What’s the Best for Mobile App Development

The popularity of mobile applications among users is increasing at a rapid pace, and it will be continued in the upcoming years. As per Statista, in 2023, revenues for global mobile apps will increase by more than $365. However, in this rapidly-evolving tech world, it is common to get confused when you need to choose the right technology for your cross-platform mobile app. React Native and Flutter are the top two development languages with fast-growing popularity. So, Flutter vs. React Native, which one of these two would be the right fit for your business? Keep on reading and get an answer to it.

Table of contents

Difference between Flutter and React Native

Flutter vs. React Native: A comparison

Flutter or React Native- What should be your Choice?

Difference between Flutter and React Native


React Native

Definition It is nothing but the toolkit of Google. It is best fitted to build native apps using a single codebase. React native is a popular JS-based framework that is suitable for building natively rendered apps for both android and ios
Creator It’s  Google’s brainchild Facebook created React Native
Initial and Stable release dates May 2017 & Sept 2020 March 2015 & Sept 2020
Written Language C, C++, and Dart Python, Objective-C, Java, Javascript
Popular Platforms that get support Android, iOS, Mac, Google Fuchsia, Linux, Windows Android, iOS,   macOS, Windows

Flutter vs. React Native: A comparison


Thankfully, both of these technologies provide smooth app performance with a slight difference. Rendering time for GPU threads and UIs is another feature of Flutter. Other benefits of selecting this framework for your app include, Flutter can create widgets quickly. Flutter apps can imitate native components of platforms as well.

React native development services have some proven benefits as well. The hot reload feature allows showing the changes as per real-time. There is no fixed IDE for React native. It can be developed in any text editor.

Testing Support

Testing is a crucial part of mobile app development. Hence, between these two cutting-edge technologies, which one provides enhanced testing support? To get the answer, find out the top three testing categories in Flutter. These include unit, widget, and integration testing.

Testing capacities of React native varies from Flutter in one aspect, i.e., end-to-end testing. This method enables developers to get an idea about the app’s performance on any specific device. E2E methods testing on Android and iOS platforms get easier with it.

UI Designs 

When you build apps with flutter or react native, it is better to get an idea of this comparison. You may create a rich UI using Flutter that features a variety of layout options, buttons, text cards, etc. Two widget design sets of Flutter include:

Material Design Widget- Google introduced material design language considering designs that are Android-oriented.

Cupertino Widget- This specific widget gives a natural look to a Flutter Android App and iOS apps. It is not a matter to worry about, even if it’s an outdated version. The consistent UI of Flutter provides the best user experience.

You may consider JS code as React native basic. In the case of React native, developers need to exchange C++ or Java codes to the ios UI.

Different elements in React native are scroll view, image, etc. Using react native frameworks, the development of ios and Android-specific components also gets easier.


When you talk about the different aspects of Flutter vs. React native development, it is a worth-mentioning one. Both of them come with well-written documentation. But some of the differences are:

React native developers use both React native and expo CLI for setting up the development environment.

The flutter doctor feature helps flutter developers to provide a smooth app installation and configuration.

There are written guides for React native developers that help them in proper setup both for Android and ios platforms.

Popularity and Usage 

If you plan to hire flutter developer or a React native developer, find out the use, and popularity. Both Flutter and React Native have achieved noticeable popularity. Grab, Stadia, Google Ads, Reflectly, Hamilton are the best examples of flutter apps. Airbnb, Skype, Instagram, Uber Eats are the best apps built using React Native.

Flutter or React Native- What should be your Choice?

Both of these are ideal options for mobile app development. But when you compare Flutter vs. React native, differences like time and accessibility will be there. Being the UI toolkit of Google Flutter needs to keep all components in one place. But it is not the case for React native.

When it is about the community, React Native has a larger one than Flutter. However, when it is about picking any option, it totally depends on your business needs. Hence, know your needs, when comparing Flutter vs. React Native. You may contact us to outsource react native development or flutter development project. We follow all the means to provide you the top-class services.
