What things do you need to know before hiring a Node.js Developer?

What things do you need to know before hiring a Node.js Developer

Are you looking forward to hiring a Node.js developer for your trading app? Before knowing the qualities of a Node.js developer, it is better to figure out what Node.js is all about?

Implementing the solution of Node.js in your Enterprise allows the developers to build a real-time application with improved scalability. Node.js is a powerful instrument to develop server-side applications. Let’s examine what you need to know before you hire a Node.js Developer.

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Do you think they have a basic understanding of the frontend stack? 

Are they experienced in working with package managers?

Do they know to use ORM tools in the database?

Final Lines

Do you think they have a basic understanding of the frontend stack? `

The role of a dedicated node.js Programmer includes handling backend applications with an elementary knowledge of frontend technologies. The backend developers must know how backend components power the UI in providing a consistent user experience. This can easily modify and meet the expectations of the user.

At the same time, it also improves the collaboration of the team as they have a mutual understanding of different roles. When you interview a candidate to hire the best Node.js developers you can discuss JavaScript CSS, HTML, AJAX, frontend frameworks like Vue and Angular, and libraries such as jQuery and react. Additionally, you can also ask them about the compatibility of frontend technology which is an excellent fit for the application of Node.js in gouging the frontend technologies.

Are they experienced in working with package managers?

Node.js uses open-source packages and well-tested packages to eliminate the need to promote and rewrite codes for faster development. The developers use the package manager to save time in rewriting the codes. You have to check whether the candidate who will be chosen for hire has in-depth knowledge of the default package manager for Node.js or not.

It is imperative to ask the developer about the pnpm (an alternative package manager for Node.js) packages they use to get better results to determine whether they are well-versed or not.

Just take an example of the yarn which is known as the best package manager in Node.js applications. It installs the packages faster in comparison to NPM and uses it in local cache memory. Additionally, yarn installs and arranges the network parallelly to optimize it all together in the Node.js framework.

Do they know how to use ORM tools in the database?

Object Relational Mapping is a library that facilitates mapping between relational databases and objects while clicking on the starting project.

All the databases access data in different ways and object to relational mapping which helps to maintain the objects even if the app of sources may change over time.

Object-relational mapping enables you to streamline the process of migration between all the databases. This is the reason it is important to consider those candidates as an asset if they have a good command of ORM tools. Developers tend to prefer ORM tools in the process of Node.js app development. Some tools are-


The tool best suits MongoDB. It is the most popular and facilitating tool of built-in typecasting.


It is one of the oldest ORMs in the JS library with a concise codebase. Bookshelf also comes with traditional call-back interfaces, polymorphic associations, and superior transaction support.


It is a stable well-documented tool for Node.js and popular to support databases like Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Maria DB, and SQLite.

Do they have command over Node.js template engines?

The engine of Node.js creates hypertext markup language templates with significant and minimal code that improve the application’s performance. A variety of engines are also available including Mustache, Node.js applications, Nunjucks, Pug, Swig, and many more.

Marko being the first template library and straightforward for JS is considered good for HTML and CSS.  A new application has been developed to modify the use of actions in providing progressive rendering in loading images, HTML, and assets as soon as they are ready for client-side JS rendering.

At the same time, handlebars are compatible with Mustache so the developers try to replace them by using Mustache templates. Later on, it also compiles the template into a JS function for faster execution.

Another way to check the development style of a candidate is by asking them a set of templating engines and a lot about the development approach in Node.js web development.

Is it necessary to have performed knowledge of Node.js user authentication?

Authorization and user authentication are crucial functions that play a role in web applications. Good sound knowledge of the user authentication process is an important skill for a developer. However, it is mandatory to know Node.js user authentication in the process of hiring a Node.js developer.

Final Lines

Therefore, you must remember that it is important to know certain things before hiring a Node.js developer. Try to get the best developer so that you can easily obtain the service you want to keep at your organization. A team of skilled Node.js developers is enough to understand your project and provide the optimum solutions for it.

A banking Node.js banking application is a computer that creates and manages a pool of liquidity that is delegated to them by lenders. Some giants using the service include Mastercard (sdk-core-nodejs), Scotia Bank (organization), and Morgan Stanley (desktops). The developers need to have a firm knowledge of financial services as well.
