Why is Nest.JS favorable for Backend Developers?

Why is NestJS favorable for Backend Developers

Nest.JS is a simple framework used to build a scalable and efficient Node.js server-side application with full support for TypeScript. Nest.JS uses robust HTTP Server frameworks like Fastify or Express. Nest JS also provides a different level of abstraction than a common framework. Hire a nest js developer to experience the difference between other frameworks. 

Developers choose Nest JS over Express JS (a popular Node.JS framework) because of its simple components. In this blog, you will understand the advantages of nest JS for back-end developers. Whenever a new project starts with Nest JS it gives a clear architecture based on Providers, modules, and controllers.

What is nest JS?

Nest JS is an extensible, versatile, progressive framework used to create a demanding and compelling fastest-growing Node JS framework. 

Nest JS is used to write scalable and loosely coupled applications. Hire nest js developer because it brings scalable servers to a new level and supports databases like MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. Nest JS is influenced by React, Angular, and Vue. It offers a dependency injection right inside the box. 

To the latest figure for 2022 Nest JS has more than 44k GitHub stars. However, the weekly npm download rate is approximately about 180k. Nest JS encourages developers to learn and experiment with software paradigms.  Nest JS is extensible and can be used with other libraries. Nest JS is a full-featured progressive ecosystem using JavaScript features and design patterns. Nest JS is a full-featured progressive ecosystem using JavaScript features and design patterns. 

Building blocks of nest JS

When you compare Express JS vs Nest JS you will find Nest JS a better choice because when you start a new Node js project, it gives you a clear structure with simple components (providers, controllers, and modules)


Providers are also known as services. The services are beautifully designed to abstract logic and complexity. Providers can also be easily injected into controllers or other providers. 


The modules are used to organize the split and coat features into reusable units. The group-type script is decorated in an arranged way with @Module which provides metadata to organize the structure of the application. 


Controllers are responsible to handle the returning responses or incoming requests to the client side. It is a process flow from the call to the API.

Significant features of nest JS

Recently nest JS is getting popular due to its significant features. Some of the features are-

  • Easy to learn, master, and use
  • Active codebase maintenance and development
  • Easy unit-testing applications
  • Open-source MIT license
  • Powerful command-line interface used to boost productivity for easy development.

Nest JS is a superset of JavaScript with leveraged typescript. It also supports dozens of specific modules that easily integrate with different technologies and concepts like Mongoose, Logging, Caching, Validation, and Type ORM. 

Why should you choose Nest JS?

JavaScript is a programming language that is older than 20 years. It is the main framework that helps to create business applications and focuses on shifting towards node JS. 

However, if you are keen to introduce Node JS service in India you can hire node js developers at an hourly rate in India from us. Because of the speed of node JS, it crafts the attention of developers providing all the benefits of JavaScript and writing for both back-end and front-end programming languages. However, Nest JS is the fast-growing framework for Node JS. The following are the reasons to choose NEST JS-

  • Efficient and quick response in the development process
  • Easy in maintaining applications and highly scalable.
  • Fastest growing framework for the past 3 years
  • Large community and support.
  • Great documentation
  • Easy in unit testing
  • Nest JS provides you to build microservices, and create high testable, easily maintainable applications.
  • The structure of the application in the nest is based on angular. However, the structure is simple and allows us to pay attention to consumers and the design of endpoints instead of focusing on application structure.
  • Nest JS forces the developers in using a specific architecture by introducing controllers’ services, angular-like modules, loosely coupled contrary, and highly testable.

Who uses Nest JS?

The benefits to use nest JS are widely recognized by many of the biggest companies. The most popular giant companies are-


The company is known for manufacturing and designing shoe accessories and clothing. It is one of the largest sportswear manufacturers which ranks second in the world and first in Europe. This is the reason Adidas uses the highly scalable framework to build its large-scale efficient applications.


A French multinational corporation that provides technology consulting outsourcing and professional services in using nest JS for the application architecture.


Roche, a multinational healthcare company, operates in two segments – diagnostics and pharmaceuticals. It controls American biotechnology company Genentech. Genentech uses Nest JS on its main website.


It is best known today as a sports goods retailer with 1500 stores in 57 countries. The company chooses Nest JS for their bacon web application.

Final Lines

Nest js is an excellent framework for building and upgrading new products. However, if you need an experienced team who can build or shift a nest js app from scratch you can contact Techno Exponent. Both Nest JS and Node JS are interdependent frameworks. You can contact the best Node JS development company in India for more updates. 

However, nest JS gives great ease in splitting the applications into microservices.  You do not need to think about how to hire an express js developer if you contact Techno Exponent. We provide you step by step solutions and save your time in going through a lengthy hiring process. 


Nest JS allows the developers to start with a great head. As a developer, you need to set up the new app with a proper framework that boosts rightly. By using the modern technologies and solutions nest JS creates long-lasting and maintainable applications. It can be connected with web sockets, Graph Ql, or can also be used to build microservices. So, hire a nest js developer to escalate your business.
