Choosing Between Flutter and React Native in 2023

Flutter and React Native are the market players when you want to develop a cross-platform app. But which one between these two would be an ideal technology to pick from as an owner of a mobile app? Choosing a Flutter app development company or hiring React native developers- from an app owners’ perspective, which would be a preferable decision? Read this blog to get this answer in detail.

Table of Content 

When to Choose Flutter?

When to Choose React Native?

A Detailed Comparative study

Comparison in a nutshell

Which one Would be an ideal Choice?

Final Words

When to Choose Flutter?

Flutter will be the best technology to choose in these conditions.

If your developer has expertise in using Dart, this one could be a walk in the park.

Choose Flutter to get the highest-performing apps. It initializes the screens smoothly using a Javascript bridge that ensures optimal performance.

Choose Flutter to build highly secured and scalable applications.

Flutter will be the right choice if you want a framework that supports the top operating systems like Windows, Android, Macos, and so on.

When to Choose React Native?

If you have developers with the proper understanding of Javascript, opt for it.

Great cross-platform compatibility of React Native maintains the same performance even when working as a native app. So, for a native-like feeling, choose React Native.

React native development is cost-effective as hiring developers with knowledge in Javascript language will be enough.

Many leading apps, including Facebook, Skype, Instagram, have embraced React Native already. If you also want to follow their paths, choose React Native.

A massive community of developers is working to improve Flutter. Hence, choose it if you don’t want to miss that required support.

An enriched set of UIs can be created in React Native using the range of declarative components.

A Detailed Comparative study

Performance & the Technical Architecture 

Flutter– Components required for app building are available in Flutter. Besides different libraries, the dart framework uses the Skia graphics engine with all relevant channels and protocols. It means you get everything in the flutter engine, required for app building.

React Native – This framework relies on the flux architecture of Facebook and is dependable on the Javascript bridge. JS code in React Native maintains communication with the other native components using the Javascript bridge. When it provides great compatibility at the same time it slows down the app’s performance as well.


Flutter- The popularity of this framework is on the rise already, and it has a possibility to beat React Native in the Upcoming Years. Companies that use Flutter for Mobile app development are Google, Dream 11, Alibaba, Gropuon, etc.

React Native– In 2022, React Native managed to achieve the position of the second most used cross-platform mobile app development framework with a 38% market share. And in 2023, this framework has great potential for growth. You can get a clear idea about its demand after knowing the name of the tech giants who have used it. Companies using React Native is, Facebook, Uber, Tesla, Walmart, Artsy, Discord, and so on.


Flutter– Documentation is one of the prime reasons behind the increasing demand for Flutter. Organized documentation over there creates convenience for developers, and it has a section, especially for the developers who have come from React native development. When you compare the toolkit of Flutter and React Native, Flutter lacks the diversity of React native.

React Native– The documentation of React native is a little bit more complex than Flutter. It covers different crucial areas developers should know while developing cross-platform apps. And when it is in the toolkit, the compatible IDE list of React Native will be longer than the other.


Flutter- Dart denotes the programming language for Flutter. Google introduced it in 2011 and developers don’t use it regularly.

React Native- It is totally based on Javascript that uses React. You may consider this fact as a benefit as Javascript is one of the highly used languages these days.

CI/CD or DevOps Support

Flutter– The Flutter resource has a complete and useful section on CI/CD and testing. Besides, the CLI offers an easy setup on different CI/CD devices.

React Native- In React Native, there is no specific resource to set up CI/CD processes for developing the React Native apps. But don’t worry, unofficial resources are available that will help you know about CI/CD processes or automated testing.

User Interface

Flutter- Flutter depends on interactive and engaging widgets. These built-in UI components can replace the components of react native platforms.

React Native – React Native is hugely dependent on the Android and ios native components. Also, react Native has an enriched selection of toolkits that create engaging UIs for apps.

Comparison in a nutshell

Features Flutter React Native
Performance & the Technical Architecture  Flutter engine comes with all relevant support inbuilt It counts on the Flux architecture and maintains communication with components using Javascript bridges.


More popular Less Popular
Documentation  Superb documentation and has a good starter kit An extensive set of documentation and toolkits are there
Language  Dart Javascript
CI/CD or DevOps Support Flutter has an official section on CI/CD You need to rely on unofficial resources for this purpose.
User Interface Comes with a set of engaging widgets External UI toolkits that create an engaging set of UIs

A Prediction of the Future 

Google is working on the improvement of the Flutter tools, and this results in the monthly development of the Flutter SDK. Besides mobiles, Flutter web has also been introduced. ( Thanks to its beta release on the stable channel) . And as said already, leading companies are using it, which also indicates a great future.

For React Native, the large-scale re-architecture is getting into the focus. Constant developers are working on its improvements. And some of the best outcomes are Hermes, many notable changes in React native.

Hermes is an open-source JS engine that minimizes app size and memory usage. Other notable changes that take place in React Native 0.60 version include migration options to AndroidX, extracting operational features, and so on.

Which one Would be an ideal Choice?

Now, coming to the point, which of these two will be the best fit for your app? It totally depends on your app development needs. There has been a discussion already in the earlier part, when Flutter will be a good option and when the other one will be the right fit.

So, don’t finalize any option in a hurry. Give time to do a detailed study on your specific app development needs. Check the other crucial facts like availability of the developers, development time, and cost, and then take the final call.

Final Words

Don’t hesitate anymore to find one between these two leading market players. But make sure to find developers with unmatched skill sets and current industry knowledge, whether choosing React native or Flutter development company. Remember, only experienced developers can develop the best apps that will win your customers’ hearts easily.
