5 facts why start-ups must hire React Native developers

5 Facts Why Start-ups Must Hire React Native Developers

There is a high demand for React Native Developers since it is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks. This Framework is used to develop cross-platform applications. 

React Native is one of the demanding development frameworks which facilitates the building of outstanding applications without impacting the quality. The culture of startups is fastly evolving. These startups are ready to redefine the experience of the customer with innovation at its core. When users find your mobile app engaging, they stay for a longer time and it adds to your conversion number.  $233 billion in revenue is expected to be generated by the mobile application industry in 2026. The mobile world is continuously evolving, and to sustain a start-up you have to hire experienced and professional React Native developers. Now, let us understand in what ways React Native developers can help a start-up through this blog.

Key benefits of React Native

The numerous updates and revisions that have been made to React Native since its introduction have only increased its robustness. As always, it retains its position as a leader in cross-platform app development. Most tech giants use it to develop their apps. Let us look at the benefits of using React Native in a startup business-

  • Robust and future-ready

Imagining the framework itself, React Native terms to be future rating and robust. Having a robust framework means saving an ample amount of time as it does not require spending nights and days fixing bugs and maintenance. Moreover, intuitive design, great user interface, and accessible third-party modules are some of the prime features acknowledged by the developers of React Native. 

  1. Live and hot reloading

Whenever a small change is made in the code, the application has to be reloaded and refreshed which is a time taking task. But there is an alternative to this which is in React Native called live and hot reloading.

Whenever a developer makes any change in the code, the hot reloading option allows the React Native developer to see the specific changes without reloading the entire application. However, only the changed part can be reloaded and viewed.

Now in some cases where things are too deep, live reloading plays the role. Live reloading reloads the entire application without saving the app state. For small apps, live reloading reloads with a simple configuration and helps the developer to debug faster.

Usually, hot and live reloading help startups as their first version of the application are not usually the final. There are a lot of changes to be made in the features which are added through updates. For all these reasons, React native is the best feature-packed tech stack for a startup to thrive.

  • Quick development time and Third-Party plugin

The amazing benefits of React native such as faster development and less effort to prioritize it from other native mobile app development. You do not need to write the same code twice by using this open-source application development framework. This saves a lot of time.

React Native is famous for third-party integrations. Its incredible plugins add a layer to the functionality of your mobile application. These plugins are connected to a native module that ensures the developers in creating seamless, faster, mobile applications with feature-rich components. This is the reason third-party integration is simpler and easier for the app developer to create sophisticated apps.  

  • Single code base

A great success of Facebook ios apps is the result of React Native. The company expanded its JavaScript library to include support for Android also. A single code base offers UI by using React Native for both Android and IOS. 

  • Modular architecture

The modular architecture of React Native offers different functions that can be swiped and separated by using discrete blocks and modules of code. The designing team benefits from single developers’ modular architecture, making it a breeze for other projects. React Native helps to build modular architecture behavior which greatly helps the programmers to update their applications and reuse the modules quickly.

Responsibilities of React Native Developers

  • Seamless UI
    For iOS and Android, developers must create seamless user interfaces. Wireframes and prototypes must be used to develop components.
  • Code conversion
    Developers working with React Native must be responsible for generating maintainable code that meets client requirements. 
  • Quality check
    Performance tests should be executed by React Native developers, and any errors that are discovered should be corrected.
  • Native modules and APIs
    While developing a mobile application, developers must integrate native APIs and modules for iOS and Android. Besides entypo, FontAwesome, Andesign, and others, they must also deal with third-party dependencies.
  • Cross-functional coordination
    Developers must coordinate between cross-functional teams to complete the project within the deadline.

Apps built with React Native help to simplify the development effort, development costs, and more. Throughout this blog, we will understand why startups must use React Native for developing mobile apps.

Final Thoughts 

For a start-up to enter the market one of the most important features to consider is cost. Additionally, post-launch maintenance is also important to make up the team for the project. React Native helps startups through all these features and allows them to become a stable framework that brings the feel and look of native components at a low cost. There are a lot of changes that are made and can be added through updates to gain across different platforms. For all these React Native is the best technical stack for startups to thrive.
