Future of PHP Web Development- Experts Explained!

Future of PHP Web Development

Unlike the elongated universe, there is no end to the world of the Internet. The industry is rapidly growing, and thousands of websites are launched daily. Have you ever wondered how these websites are developed? 

Technological frameworks and programming languages are used to develop the websites. Among all frameworks, PHP is considered the jack of all trades. 

PHP is a popular programming language in today’s world. Many businesses and enterprises choose PHP Development Company because of its web hosting providers, a large ecosystem of tools and libraries, simple syntax and a large number of built-in functions, and many more benefits. 


The global application development market size is valued at USD 250859.68 million in 2023 and will grow at a CAGR of 21.01% during the forecast period, reaching USD 787685.09 million by 2027.

In the growing technological world, the best web development is offered by PHP, JavaScript, Python, C++, NodeJS, Java, and more. Out of all, PHP is the most evolved and used language. 

Since 1995 PHP has been used by many businesses. Let’s dive further into this blog, to understand the future of PHP development

What is Served by PHP? 

Developers use the PHP framework to develop user-friendly websites. Also, PHP developers get access to various tools that help in the complex web venture in the shortest time. PHP developer’s tools increase the run-time and extend the API web server abstraction layer seamlessly. 

Note: Most websites (79.2%) rely on PHP-Speaking of devoted users, the framework excels in every area of app creation. The developers stick to it because of its ground-breaking updates and feature integrations and are pleased with its overall outcomes.

Being the most convenient programming language that debugs issues quickly and efficiently, PHP nowadays is used for – 

  • Facebook, Slack, Lyft, and other tech giants were developed here.
  • Controls WordPress, Drupal, and other content management systems (CMS).
  • Gives access to eCommerce tools like Magneto and others.

PHP trends & Evolution Over the Year!

PHP versions- 

Version 3- Less than 0.1% 

Version 4- 0.2%

Version 5- 30.7% 

Version 7- 68.1%

Version 8.1- 49.7%

The latest version of PHP i.e., version 8.1 includes many features like Fibre, never return type, intersection type, and more. Web app development with PHP developers offers error-handling functionality, and a high-performance, and digitally engaging experience. 

As per statistics, the 2023 PHP marker holds almost 49.7% of the market share, making PHP Development Company the best choice for industries. 

The PHP development future stats are also bright due to its Laravel framework features. Also, the MVC architecture, eloquent ORM, Blade engine template, and other advanced integrated features make the framework extra special.

Undoubtedly, boosting the need for PHP development language for the modern, minimalistic, and customer-centric web app. 

Apart from other frameworks like Python, Golang, and JavaScript, PHP has 70% of websites in hand. 

Latest Trends you can’t miss in 2023! 

  • Cloud with PHP

Cloud technology and PHP can go hand in hand offering remarkable control over extensive databases. In the modern technological world, controlling databases is a major concern for all businesses. Hence, businesses are more indulging in the Cloud with PHP technology. The cloud can store almost 60% of the world’s corporate data. 

Additionally, more than 75% of web development companies are using this Cloud and PHP framework facilitating the creation of scalable and secure internet applications. 

  • IoT integration with PHP

IoT is one of the most popular development trends. To revolutionize the digital world and track every piece of information in a split second, PHP and IoT work together. In the meantime, the Internet of Things is used by numerous industries, including real estate, to improve the usability and innovation of their goods. Smart homes, for instance, offer mobile phone management of everything from appliances to lights.

Representing the complete code framework developers use IoT devices and PHP web development tools. 

  • Chatbots Development 

In the fast-paced world, enterprises communicate with customers using chatbots to provide general assistance, respond to questions, fix technical problems, and acquire documents. 

Recently, chatbot usage has surged. One of the most recent advancements in PHP development is the creation of intelligent chatbots. 

Through them, you may communicate with your clients beyond business hours in one of the best ways possible. AI-powered chatbots are incredibly adept at speaking in a human-like manner.

  • Voice Search Optimization 

More quickly than any other digital assistance, voice search assistance can perform more. The optimization of voice search is a typical PHP web development trend in 2023.

Additionally, as the use of digital voice assistants like Siri and Alexa increases in our daily lives, more web designers are including speech capabilities in their websites. According to studies, 71% of consumers prefer voice searches over typing.

  • User Interface Trends 

The competition among websites to be more user-friendly is another well-established trend in PHP web development. The user interface (UI) of a website immediately influences visitors.

A negative impression would harm a brand’s reputation. 

You may build incredible web applications or websites with a simple user interface with the aid of the best PHP web development services. 

Why choose PHP Development Company over others? 

By hiring a PHP development Company, you can choose the best PHP developers for your business. 

For any backend development, PHP is not just adding databases in your front-end development. It performs diverse tasks like data gathering, redirection, integration, and more. It not only offers robust, customer-centric web applications but also builds user-friendly and cheap projects. 

  • Advantages of PHP






Custom Development 

You can also learn the advantages of the PHP framework in this blog: https://www.technoexponent.com/blog/why-php-framework-for-your-startup-can-be-a-wise-choice/  

Development is Faster & Easier 

What else is there to say about PHP? Compared to other programming languages, PHP is faster at producing projects. A project can be released more quickly thanks to MVP development and effective Unit testing. Every PHP-based application quickly reaches its intended audience, outpacing the competitors. When PHP is your chosen language, time to market is significantly shortened.

Furthermore, compared to other programming languages, PHP programmers are simple to discover and have more in-depth knowledge of PHP. As a result, in this technological improvement, there is a specialist for every project type in the larger skill pool. In comparison to other software programming languages, it is so straightforward and uncomplicated.

PHP is cheaper 

Numerous databases are supported by PHP, including MSSQL, IBM, DB2, and Oracle OC18. When there are additional database options, managing and rerouting your data is easier. Additionally, quicker speeds make it possible for all embedded systems to function rapidly and fluidly. Its database connectors include MySQL, dBase, Mongo, SQLite, SQLite3, etc. 

Compared to Ruby, NodeJS, and Python engineers, PHP professionals are 20% less expensive to hire. Finding and hiring a Laravel developer is simple. Although our focus is on custom programming, PHP makes it very easy to integrate third-party CMS platforms like WordPress or Wix. You can utilize PHP for all or part of your project, depending on the features that your business model will require. Hire a PHP Developer now!

Final Words on PHP web Development! 

The ideal server-side backend technology for your company’s growth is PHP. To construct feature-rich, user-friendly online applications, a range of PHP frameworks and tools are available. For instance, a PHP developer can use any well-known PHP framework, such as CakePHP, CodeIgniter, or Laravel, to construct a website with a more user-friendly interface. Invade your digital space and boost your business reach by choosing the best PHP Web Development Company integrating worthy online practices. 
