Why should you choose React.js as the Front-end Technology?

Reasons to choose React

Succinct  Introduction:

React is the JS Library, introduced and maintained by Facebook. Since it’s release, it has received 154k Stars by the Developers and it has stockpiled 1489 Contributors on GitHub. React has gained enormous popularity throughout the years and there are so many reasons behind it. Here, we will discuss a few of the reasons to choose React above all other frontend techs.

Seven Reasons to choose React.js:

1. Declarative Programming:

Declarative Programming is when you tell the “Machine” what do you want to get and let the “Machine” figure out how to do it. For Example, you tell your Butler that you want to have Pasta in your Breakfast. The Butler knows where are the ingredients and how to make it. You need not give him instructions. That’s exactly how the Declarative View of React works. It efficiently updates and renders the exact components when the data changes. It makes the code more predictable, easily manageable, and easier to debug. Using React you can make Excellent User Interfaces without any headache.

2. Component-Based Architecture:

React.js introduced a new concept called Component-based Architecture, where encapsulated components manage their own states and compose them to build Complex User Interfaces. Each of the features of a User Interface is termed as a Component. For Example A chat window, the comment section, the notification section, etc. Residing at the same place, each of them interacts independently with the server-side. It follows the concept of Ajax and the client-side directly calls the server-side. This direct call allows the DOM to update dynamically without refreshing the full page. When a new change is there on any component, it refreshes without affecting the other components of the UI.

3. The flexibility of “Learn Once, Write Anywhere”:

React follows the concept of “Learn Once, Write Anywhere”. You can easily amend new features to your existing system using React. React never cares about the existing technology stack. It runs independently. React Code can be written on any existing system that runs on any Technology stack without rewriting the codebase. React renders on the server-side using Node.js and Mobile Applications with React Native.

4. Virtual DOM and the Fast Rendering:

React.js doesn’t update the real DOM, but the Virtual DOM. DOM stands for Document Object Model and it defines the logical structure of the documents. It also defines the way the document is accessed and manipulated.

DOM Vs Virtual DOM:

DOM follows the tree structure rendering process, that’s known as attachment. Updating a Real DOM includes lots of other processes like Browser parses the HTML, Removes the Child Element, updates the DOM, Re-calculate the CSS for parent and child, updates the layout, traverse the render tree, and finally shows the output on the browser. These affect the speed performance.

Virtual DOM is a light-weight JS object and an in-memory representation of the Real DOM. Using the diff algorithm, Batched update operations, Efficient update of subtree only, and Observable to point out the change, it becomes faster to update the virtual DOM easily using React.js. It re-renders all the children if there is any change in the parent state. It traverses the tree using BFS and determines the exact parts of the Real DOM those need to be updated. React paints the Real DOM for one time once all steps are executed. Thus it’s very fast.

5. Unidirectional Data Binding:

When other JS Frameworks support two-way data binding, React comes with Unidirectional Data Binding. This feature enables React Developers to pass properties from parent to child components via read-only props, those are immutable. The child components then can communicate the parent component to update the properties via callbacks. These immutable values update the components each time the properties change through the rendering functions.

6. Easy to Test Web Applications:

React forces us to build everything as components and these components always render the same output irrespective of how many times it’s rendered or who renders it or where do we want to paint the output. The output will always be the same and we don’t need to make a complex scaffold to test the components. It has built-in TestUtils, that puts it’s DOM in a variable to render a React component, instead of inserting it into a page. While testing a React-based app, Testers treat React Views as the functions of the state and assess the output by triggering different events and actions.

7. Powers Mobile Application Development:

React Native was introduced to build Android, iOS, and Windows app by keeping the same business logic as the React-based Web App. Thus it saves a lot of time for the developer and production is made faster than other technologies. Same as React, React Native focuses on Code reusability but manipulates DOM through Native Views. The re-usability of the same UI components across web applications and mobile apps makes React unique. It’s also the best choice always.


We hope now you have the Reasons to choose React as your Frontend Technology! If you are building a new web app, we suggest you choose React.js as Frontend Technology. The same we suggest if you are looking for a change in the UI of your existing system in production. Our React developers have highly working experience in large web apps. Thanks for reading our Blog!
