Acknowledging the Cost to Hire React JS Developers- What Should I Expect?

React is one of the most popular frameworks in the current digitalized world. More than 40.14% of developers are React JS developers performing the in-demand web frameworks conveniently.

Several companies like small to large MNCs choose React JS developers for easy-to-maintain and scalable systems. As a result, the demand for React JS is also increasing steadily. Sources also suggested that every single more than 1500-1800 fresh job requirements are available for React JS.

Are you looking for React JS developers too? Don’t know what you can expect? Here, we have listed the costing for hiring React JS Developers and other aspects you should know.

What is React JS? Who are React JS developers? 

React JS is an open-source Javascript library that was established in 2013 by Facebook. The sole objective of this framework is to create rich, value-loaded, and engaging web pages that deliver high performance with minimal coding. The declarative, component-based design and unobtrusive nature enhance the robust disposition of web development.

The developers who can work with the React JS framework and includes specialization are React JS Developers. They are indeed the most demanded developers who follow the unique bottoms-up development approach. The captivating app UIs with complex components are well presented by the HReact JS developers. They mainly implement the components for Javascript-based web and mobile applications. Additionally, responsible for developing interactive app components like menu buttons, gesture-driven actions, online forums, etc. They are essentially responsible for every client-side interaction.

Why hire developers from React JS Development Company?

React JS’s popularity remains with 12.7 million weekly downloads and 188k stars on GitHub. The reports well define that React JS is a well popular framework. But this demand also raises the question, what makes it so popular?

Some of the common reasons that represent the rising fame of React JS Development are:

  • Together with an aspiring hold for the developers, React JS offers an aspiring grasp.
  • It offers a shorter timeline with vast, well-organized libraries with reusable components.
  • It is perfect for building robust, interactive, and dynamic web apps.
  • React JS includes an isomorphic nature that helps to develop quick and responsive applications.
  • The applications made with React JS are expedited through Virtual DOM (Document Object Model) rendering.
  • These are highly user-and search engine friendly.
  • The simplicity of React Code development makes it easier for developers to create, read, scale, test, and maintain applications.
  • The old aged framework is resulting in wonders in the mature industry.

React JS: Statistical Reports 

In 2021, React JS became the most used and demanded framework. As per the research studies in January 2022, it is found that the downloads of React JS have crossed a whopping 58.99 million per month.

Not only the global world are opting for React JS technologies, but developers love this for its high convenience. There is no doubt that hiring reacts JS developers have become more challenging in recent years.


The above graph also represents the demand and raise of React JS. The success is no less than a catalyst driving more businesses and market players.

Considering the reason and success rate of React JS development, you might wonder about its price. Well, the pricing of hiring React JS Developers is explained below. The main focus of discussing the same is to acknowledge to you how much it costs to hire React JS Developers.

What is the cost of hiring React JS Developers? 

There is no doubt that the hiring cost of React JS developers does not always remain the same. The amount fluctuates as per the requirements, locations, etc. So, while looking for React JS Developers maintain or ask the following things:

  • Development Hours- Sometimes developers work on an hourly basis. Check for the rates for each hour. So, you should know what exact time the developers can require for your project.
  • Project Scope- The size and scope of the project also play a vital role in deciding the pricing of the React JS developers. The specifications for a market-ready development also depend on the same. Also, the size depends on the type of application you want. React JS guarantees various types of application development. Some varieties are listed below that can positively hamper the project size.

— Single Page Application (SPA) is the most demanded type of application. It does not require any page reloading function from the end-user.

— Enterprise-level Application collects more user data and offers high-performance servers.

— Social Networking Applications fits perfectly as the React JS application. It includes WebSockets that offer real-time data processing.

  • Developer Experience- Based on the developer’s experience and skills the cost of react JS developers can take place. Obviously, persons with vast knowledge charge higher than developers with zero experience. Also no matter what it is always better to choose experienced professionals for every business.
  • Developer Skillset- As said above, developer skills determine the rate of hiring React JS developers.
  • Recruitment model- The model used for application development also decides the cost of React js PWA developers. Normally, there are two recruitment models, the Fixed price and the dedicated model. Between these two models, the Fixed Price model is used for short projects, and businesses highly prefer this as it fulfills the static requirements. On the other hand, the dedicated model is for long projects and does not include fixed requirements.
  • Third-Party Integration- The integration of third-party apps affects hiring costs. Sometimes the integration of libraries affects the speed of the application and requires proper optimization. This overall process leads to additional payments, ultimately increasing the estimated costs.
  • UI/UX designs- The UI/UX designs are trending and offer effective designs. Unlike usual web designs, you can make one for your UI designs at a high cost.
  • Outsourcing country- You should know the rates of each location. As outsourcing React and Nextjs developers can be costly depending on the location.

Costing of React JS developers as per Geographical area

The rates of the React JS developers vary as per the location and geographical area. It is estimated that the average React app development cost in countries can range from $56-57.

Check out the list to have a clear knowledge:

  • North America- $61-$140
  • Latin America- $41-$80
  • New Zealand- $61-$140
  • Europe- $41-$100
  • Africa- $41-$100
  • India- $15-$150

Apart from the geographical varieties, the hiring cost can also fluctuate on various factors. Continue reading to understand costing as per the engagement model.

Costing of React JS Developers as per Engagement Model

The engagement model is the remote recruiting model. The cost of hiring a dedicated react js developer can fluctuate as per the following models:

  • Dedicated Team Model- It is a process of hiring developers for a longer period of time. Here, you can count the developers you want on your team for finalizing a required project. As this offers you to choose the number of developers, the costing can be confined well here.
  • Fixed Price Model- It specifically undergoes the fixed budget, requirements, and deadlines. The short project requirements should definitely opt for this model.

In-house VS Remote: Hiring Cost

The hiring cost can also depend on the skillset. The in-house hiring cost can be higher than remote hiring. The main reason for this, in-house hiring adds several functions to complete and fulfill the hiring.

Normally, in most places, the average cost of hiring React JS developers ranges from $15-$100 hourly. Many small businesses find this range a bit expensive. Hence, they opt for remote developers rather than investing in In-house hiring.

The average cost of hiring Remote developers ranges from $20-$38 hourly. It is quite convenient for small businesses. Also, Remote developers are great for developing applications.

Now that you know the price of React JS developers, you can select the best for your business. No matter what, you have to select the best React JS development Company to procure further requirements.

Also, while choosing the best React JS developer, you can suit the below-given things.

Factors to consider while Hiring React JS Developers

  • Skills- The skills present in a developer hold immense value. Most developers are skilled in working with MERN Stack and Express application development. Skills in React JS can offer full stack application development.
  • Tech Knowledge- Tech knowledge is another factor that should be present in the developers. You can opt for React JS developers, who have good knowledge of Advanced HTML, JSON, Rest APIs, and more.
  • Tools- The build tool factor should not be ignored by any person. It offers worthy applications in the vast market.


We hope the above blog is informative and the purpose of landing in this blog was effective for you all. The cost of React JS developers varies on various factors. To bring out all the factors in light, we have listed the blog. Also, we have put our best to help you understand how and why you should hire React JS developers.

Now if you are looking for the best React JS development Company? We have the solution. Techno Exponent is the leading and popular React JS Development company. We already served more than 1000s happy clients. You can hire React JS developers from us at a cost of $15- $100 hourly.
