Best 5 Factors To Consider Before Developing Your e-Commerce Website

ecommerce website development

The Significance Of Developing e-Commerce Web Apps in The Digital Age

Living in this digital age means, we are always connected with people and businesses in some or the other way, and also nowadays because of the rapid evolution in technology we can buy almost everything that we desire just by accessing the internet from our computers or mobiles from anywhere and anytime. And, this is one of the major reasons which has led to the birth of e-Commerce websites and is exponentially growing in numbers and strength. As per a report, by 2026 the Indian e-commerce market is expected to grow up to US $200 billion. In India, there were approximately 35 million online shoppers according to Google in 2014.

So, entrepreneurs who are on the lookout to start their businesses, and promote their products effectively in the digital space, developing an engaging and responsive e-commerce website is the only valuable option for them. With more e-commerce start-ups coming up every passing day, India is becoming the fastest growing e-Commerce sector. The gross revenue from the sector is expected to increase to US$ 120 billion by 2020 from US$ 39 billion in 2017. Hence, to generate more sales of the products, reach out to targeted customers and grow your business appropriately, you should develop an e-Commerce website or web application. However, there are still many aspects that you need to focus on before developing an e-Commerce site to give your business the right exposure and lead it in the correct direction, which we have highlighted below in detail.

5 Important Factors To Consider Before Developing e-Commerce Website

1. Choosing the Right e-Commerce Platform

It is very crucial to do your homework diligently before starting out with e-Commerce site development. Being a business owner you should know what are your goals and how you are looking to achieve specific targets in order to drive forward your business. So, first and foremost you have to be acquainted with the e-commerce platforms available in the market and identifying the potential one for developing your e-Commerce website. Otherwise, you could run into huge loss if you mistakenly decide to go with an inappropriate platform. There are a few notable and widely trusted e-Commerce platforms from which you can choose one like –

  • Magento,
  • Shopify,
  • Hybris,
  • Joomla and
  • WooCommerce.

2. Integration of Search Option Bar

It may seem to be one of those common features that you see by visiting any e-Commerce website, yet it holds much significance to provide a good shopping experience to your site visitors or customers. Integrating a site search panel simplify the searching process and the buyers readily get hold of the products they are looking for. By allowing your customers to enter keywords relevant or similar to the products in the search box, and narrow down or filter the search results to help them get the exact product they want rewards your business highly.

3. Mobile Responsive design

To keep with the competition in today’s time, it is very much important to develop and design a responsive e-Commerce web application, as almost two-fourth of the total e-commerce sales take place from smartphones. In 2015, mobile e-commerce sales in India amounted to US$ 6.02 billion and is expected to touch US$ 38 billion by 2020. So, it is absolutely wise to make a good investment on responsive web design, as it will optimize your e-Commerce site and offer great online purchasing experience to the users no matter what devices they are using – desktops or laptops, mobile or tablets. Expert designers at Techno Exponent, a popular e-commerce website development company in the USA leveraging responsive design to aid their client’s online store to make it more attractive, flexible and ensure that the site automatically positions itself based on the device size, regardless of the browser type and devices customers are using. Overall the advantages that a site receives by employing responsive design are:

-User experience becomes much better

-Maintenance is easier

-SEO score improves

-Lowers down cost

-Drives more customers

-Boost conversion

-Increase sales

Hence the more responsive your e-Commerce store is the more it will drive buyers -who shop by using computers and as well as handheld devices.

4. Integration of Payment Gateway

Being at the helm of your business and steer it ahead in the right direction, you need to keep up with the latest technology and employ unique strategy to offer your customers a happy and rewarding shopping experience, which will drive them to visit your site frequently. Therefore, the integration of a payment gateway is a must that you should consider when developing your e-Commerce web application. As it ensures safety to your customers and streamlined transactions. Even integrating a competent payment gateway to your site helps you to keep a track and ensures a secure flow of money whenever a customer is paying, and the payment gateway, which acts as the third-party in such situation, transfers the money safely to your (merchant’s) bank account.

5. Make your e-Commerce site Secure

Undoubtedly, it is the most important factor that you should keep in mind while making your business blueprint and while developing your online store. The major concern for a business owner is to ensure safety and security to his business – especially when it is an online one, it needs more attention. Adding an SSL certificate makes your site safe and keep secure all the encrypted information or data of your e-Commerce website visitors. A site with an SSL certificate provides enough security to the customers who use a credit card or debit card for purchasing products and enter personal and card details during the transaction. You can gain the trust of the customers and empower your site to become more credible by safeguarding the sensitive data of the customers and let them rest assured that their data is protected.

Key Takeaways:

The important factors highlighted and discussed above are of much importance and need your serious attention before you start with your e-Commerce website and grow it effectively. There are also many more factors which should help you to comprehend and get a good grasp of the e-Commerce business, but the following are what you should give more priority and attention:

-Choosing a potential e-Commerce platform

-Integrating a search box

-Mobile optimized site

-Integrating a safe payment gateway for secure transaction

-Adding an SSL certificate to ensure security

Now, that you have acquired comprehensive knowledge about the important factors that would benefit your e-Commerce website development, you can simply get in touch with Techno Exponent to build a responsive and engaging e-Commerce web application. You can also check out the e-Commerce portfolio of the company comprises successfully delivered e-Commerce projects which have been designed and developed by our professional designers and developers.
