Boost Your Productivity in 2023 with the Best React Native libraries!

best react native libraries

The modern world enhanced the use of the best tools available. Let’s imagine a subject animated with a random motion. Fascinating right? Unsurprisingly, advanced tools can bring experience in the modern world. But how to underpin the modern requirements? React Native modern tools are the solution. 

With the emerging growth in the digital world, with top-class demands for websites, applications, and software, developers are considering React Native. 

Since 2015, from the time of emergence, React Native assured the best selection of animation libraries and UI elements with dynamic declarative API. It offered new tools for react native developers to meet modern requirements with convenience. 

React Native is the best-known framework for its speed and efficiency. Developers prefer it to reduce cost and time in application building. 

React Native guarantees a more convenient environment for mobile by supporting various debugging tools. 

Read this blog to know more about the various tools and effective libraries of React Native. But before moving toward the blog, let’s understand more about React Native UI libraries.

React Native UI libraries 

React Native framework can create a cross-platform app with a native appearance and feel. It is gaining high popularity among developers and businesses everywhere by serving simplicity, feature set, automated upgrades, amazing capabilities, better UI/UX, low learning curve, robust community, and more. 

Not only that, it offers a wide range of UI components and modules that speed up app development and bring ease for the developers in completing a task. 

React Native developers incorporate a variety of helpful components from the libraries and build stunning user interfaces for your industry. So, hiring React Native Developers is beneficial for your business. 

Therefore, rather than developing coding lines from start, it is better to hire react native developers and use the premade components that suit the application development requirements. 

Top React Native tools that can boost your industry performance

A react native tool benefits the developers with various advantages. Developers can cradle convenient cross-platform editing, text editing, static code analysis, and more. 

The top tools used by the developers to scale up and complete the development process are

  • Webpack Bundle Analyzer 
  • React-Proto
  • React Lifecycle Visualizer 
  • Flipper 
  • Guppy
  • Bit 
  • Expo
  • Code Sandbox

The tools incline a massive role in creating and accelerating app development. To know more details about the React native tools and avoid any dilemma of which tool to choose you can read the blog

Top 5 React Native Libraries that boost Front-end Development 

Unlike the tools, you can use the effective React Native libraries present in GitHub. However, choosing a library by looking at the stars and ratings can be difficult and confusing. In response, we highlighted the most popular libraries that React Native developers use in 2023. 

  • Eartho for React Native- Eartho developed the unique authentication flow. The specialization is it protects the users from being tracked. Being the third most effective layer that abstracts the complexity for you, protects the user’s privacy. Developers use this library to get detailed authentication, social logins, e-wallets, and logins with SMS.  
  • Lottie for React Native- You must be familiar with the term Airbnb. This particular application uses one of a kind UI framework for generating smooth animations. Lottie React Native library allows developers to create native android and iOS apps with a free featured animation. Not only that, it helps to create customized animation using Adobe After Effects. Lottie includes the Bodymovin extension that exports your customized interfaces into JSON format before rendering the native apps. React Native developers use the small-sized and vector-formatted files available with Lottie to get a high-performing, robust app with an appealing visual UI. 
  • React Native Elements- The first library present in React Native is React Native library. This particular UI build kit follows the Material Design principle. Developers using the elements create an opinionated design system. React Native developers get fine control over the entire component structure. In response, they build a component as per the customer’s need entirely grabbing the app design. Additionally, it benefits developers by saving time and incorporating easy-to-use and eye-catching features. 
  • React Native UI Kitten- The React Native UI kitten is based on the Eva Design system. It benefits individuals by offering more than 480 icons and allows you to create custom themes. Developers use it to use or extend the two in-build visual themes and develop an attractive look for the app. Among 20+ vital UI components of React Native, UI kitten specializes in right-to-left coding methods. The same process is also effective for international applications, supporting web development. Style classes are separated using this library from business logic, which is similar to CSS. 
  • FastImage-  Fast Image is a performant React Native image component. Developers use it to improve your application without additional effort. Hence, this library curates the top-class image component in the application conveniently. Further, replacing the image component helps to develop amazing features like caching, prioritizing, and reloading.  
  • Vector Icons- Vector Icons is another React Native library that comes in handy for straightforward and customizable icons. Developers find it useful as it supports the ToolbarAndroid, NavBar, and Tab Bar. Creating a flawless icon in an application is easier with the React Native Vector Icons. For user interface elements it is the most liked library. For instance, this library develops React Native Paper for its default icons. Also, it includes the standard icon set and customized variations. The rating on GitHub for this library is more than 11,000 stars, making it a perfect choice for developers. 

These features, tools, and libraries make the development process much smoother for the developers. Also, it comprehensively develops the customized interactive prototype. 

What is more exciting to note is that the React Native developers have good knowledge of these tools and libraries developing the option of shifting from static layout to dynamic prototypes in a single click. So hire the best developers from the best React Native Development Company


Thanks to the framework, it makes the entire development process, designing, and begging easier for web and mobile developers. These libraries are easy to use and are rated in GitHub- from design to prototype to development- to app testing. 

The knowledge of this is already present in the React Native developers, which is why they know how to use it. Moreover, using the libraries and tools of React Native developers can enhance your business. 
