Debunking 7 Common Myths about PHP Development Services

Debunking 7 Common Myths about PHP Development Services

PHP is not a top programming language anymore; it is not as great as other programming languages. Is it a myth or a believable, true statement? Despite being a highly used programming language, different myths remain linked to the PHP development services. Today’s blog will debunk some of those myths and enable you to clear all doubts regarding PHP. Keep on reading.


A Brief Overview on PHP

Misconceptions about PHP Development Services

Final Lines


A Brief Overview on PHP


Amid rapidly evolving technologies, PHP has got the position of the most dynamic programming language. As per the data of W3Techs, 78.7% of websites are successful users of this language. Near about 34 million sites run on PHP. This open-source scripting language is best-fitted for website apps, and it can get embedded into HTML easily. The release of different PHP versions indicates the ever-increasing demand for it in the upcoming years.

Misconceptions about PHP Development Services

1. PHP lacks the code security

Protection of sensitive data is significant for all businesses, especially the businesses related to financial transactions. However, most people consider PHP unsafe due to the lack of code security. But the reality is PHP developers can create robust codes that give top-level security to the sites. The prime cause that gave birth to this myth is the vulnerabilities of PHP in register global. Thankfully, recent PHP versions have sorted out this issue.

2. PHP development is not the right solution for large apps 

Only small-scale business owners count on a Core PHP development company to build their web apps. But some names are enough to prove how baseless this myth is. Industry giants, including Facebook, Yahoo, WordPress, wiki, with billions of users, are using PHP successfully. Hence, PHP is equally helpful for creating both small and large-scale apps.

3. PHP development is a slow process

There is no point in believing this myth after the release of PHP7 and PHP8. Doubled or tripled enhancement in the performance level was observed after the release of these versions. Both loading time and workload reduce in PHP development services as it has their memory.

The processing speed gets high due to this fact. As the studies say, compared to 7.4, PHP 8.0 is 18.47% faster. It can handle more than 50% of transactions or requests per second compared to PHP7. Easy caching is another benefit of this version.

4. PHP is a Dying Language 

Different causes lead PHP to reach its peak. Still, some people find it hard to consider it as the programming language for the future. But to know the truth, let’s have a look at the top web development companies. The numbers of PHP web developers are increasing at a rapid pace now. Millions of websites have .php extensions. So, you can’t call it a dying language at all.

5. Integration with other Languages is a tough task

Different reasons encourage people to choose PHP development services. One of those reasons is it comes with a robust backend and also has server-side scripting. But you can’t find its integrations with front-end languages as challenging for this cause. Developers use tags to write PHP codes. Only they need to create a connection with those tags. PHP supports the highly used front-end programming languages, including Bootstrap, JavaScript, and so on.

6. PHP is Difficult 

The difficulty of a programming language depends largely on the skills of developers. Bad coding in an easy language is expected from an inexperienced coder. An impressive fact about PHP development is, a huge developers community work on it and they work constantly on the improvement. So, PHP is not a tough language with minimal development chances. This language has its support as well that encourages the introduction of different frameworks and components.

7. PHP Development Costs Higher

Many people think twice to hire PHP coders thinking of the higher development cost. But it’s nothing but a joke that only an unprofessional can crack. If you seek cost-effective web app development solutions, PHP would be an ideal fit. PHP development does not need to pay for licensing costs. Also, the open-source nature of PHP saves the development cost-effectively.

Final Lines

Hopefully, there would be no confusion to select PHP anymore after knowing those myths about it. However, to boost your business with all the benefits of PHP development services, make sure to partner with a reliable company. Hire dedicated PHP developers from a reputable company who have precise knowledge about this programming language. Only such developers enable you to get top web app building solutions using this language.
