Flutter 3.0 Released: 15 New Features to Explore

Flutter 3.0 Released 15 New Features to Explore

Flutter 3.0 got introduced in the Recently closed Google I/O 2022 event creating better opportunities for mobile developers to develop robust mobile apps. An avant-garde using experience is possible in Flutter 3. 0, and some changes have taken place from the previous version. Here’s presenting 13 exciting features in this version you should know about before opting for Flutter app development services.

Supports Six Leading Platforms

As already said, this revolutionary version of Flutter supports six top platforms using the same codebase. While the earlier flutter version supported Android, ios, Windows, and web platforms, here added support for macOS and Linux apps will be provided.

This latest version supports macOS with the universal binary system and runs on both Intel-based Mac and Apple silicon platforms. Developers prefer to use this version for its cross-platform benefits. Flutter 3.0 can change the whole development experience and offers several benefits. Increased developers’ productivity and faster time to market are the best among them.

Casual Game Toolkits

Besides being an app development framework, Flutter is showing excellence in the casual game development sector. Thanks to the open-source game engine Flame and the great hardware-accelerated graphic support. The casual game toolkit comes with a starter kit featuring templates and credits.

Different famous games ( for instance- PUBG MOBILE) counted on Flutter for non-game UIs. A fun pinball game powered by Flutter’s web support and Firebase also depended on Flutter.

Simplified ios App Release 

New options to the Flutter build ipa command has simplified the ios app release. You can run flutter build ipa to build an Xcode archive (.xcarchive file) and an app bundle (.ipa file) after you are ready to distribute to TestFlight or the App Store. Optional adding options for —-export-method ad-hoc, —-export-method development, or —-export-method enterprise is also there. 

After creating the app bundle, use Apple Transport or macOS app to upload it on Apple. Flutter developers use the command line using xcrun altool (run man altool for App Store Connect API key authentication instructions as well. Afters completing these processes, your ios app will be available for release to the App store or TestFlight. You don’t need running Xcode after running the Xcode project settings.

Compatible with Material 3 Designs 

The popular in-house design of Google, Material 3, is compatible with Flutter 3.0. This feature enables developers to create interface designs easily. This Flutter version comes with engaging visual effects, better color systems, and typography that can provide the best digital solutions.

Supports ios Refresh Rates

This recent release of Flutter gives required support to refresh rates on the ios devices with the Promotion displays. You can enjoy the refresh rate of 120 Hz on iPad pros or iPhones. The earlier refresh rate was 60 Hz. So, you can say, this rate becomes doubled, and it provides a better user experience while using faster animations.

Gradle version update

While creating a new project using Flutter, you will find the generated files using the latest version of Gradle and the Gradle plugins for Android. If you have any existing project in hand, manual bump the versions to 7.4 for Gradle, and for the Android gradle plugin, 7.1.2 is available.

Top-Grade Firebase Integration

Firebase denotes a BaaS ( Backend-as-a-service) that provides the hosted backend solutions. Using firebase in the apps is nothing new. Studies show that more than 60% of developers choose Firebase in their apps. However, in the recent Flutter version, there is an extension in its support. This much-awaited extension can provide benefits like improved documentation, new widgets, and tools.

Updates in Lint Packages

In the previous flutter versions, the upgradation of existing extensions and apps was mandatory. But, lint v.2 packages come with automatic updates in this version. It enables plugins and apps that don’t use this package yet to migrate to the guide.

Several Performance Improvements

Performance improvements in the opacity animations must need mention. In the conditions when opacity widgets comes with a single rendering primitive the savelayer method omits the Opacity. The rasterization time gets improved by the order of magnitude. More scenerios in the future will get this optimization. 

Quicker frame-building time gets possible in this latest version. Thanks to the Dart VM background garbage collection threads.

Flutter 3.0 also introduced a new mechanism that can estimate the rendering capacity based on the draw operations. Doing this as the raster image admissions policy reduces memory usage without hampering performance. 

CodePaleLight, an open source contributor fixes bug in the frame scheduling that allows throwing a few animation frame drop on the ios platform. 

Image Decoding

The presence of an asynchronous decoding feature for the main thread is a feature of the updated API. Flutter 3.0 feature present in the built-in image codecs in browsers offers speedy development and saves the main thread from junk build-up.

Firebase Crashlytics

It is a useful, lightweight, and real-time crash reporter that developers use for error identification. You can collect error details and analytics easily by using this tool. It is one of Firebase Is highly-used real-time crash reporting support services with increasing demand. In Flutter 3.0, using the Flutter Crashlytics plugin, developers ensure better app stability.

Theme Extensions 

Now you have options to add anything to the material library’s Theme data using the  Theme Extensions concept. Now you have options of specifying the Themedata extensions without reimplementing its copyWith, lerp

Dart 2.17

Dart is a productive, multi-platform language and Flutter is a dart-based technology. In the Dart 2.13 version, null safety and type aliases were the worth-mentioning improvements. However, the best features of the latest Dart version, named Dart 2.17 are here.

  • Improved flexibility rate
  • Better productivity tools
  • API documentation updates
  • Better parameters for the super-classes

Deprecating Windows 7/8 for Development Purposes

The earlier Windows versions like Windows 7, and 8 will get limited testing support from Flutter. Microsoft does not support those versions anymore. However, sometimes the Flutter community will provide that support.


We know it is important for publishers to request consent for personalized ads and to handle Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) requirements. 

Publishers often need to change the requested consent for any personalized ad for ATT requirement handling. Google comes with a User Messaging Platform (UMP) SDK to support it replacing the earlier version. The forthcoming releases of GMA SDK for Flutter will allow the publishers to get user consent. 

Other Worth-mentioning Changes 

Number of crucial breaking changes that will make this version stand apart are

  • Deprecated API got eliminated after the v2.10
  • Zoom transition builder replaced the page transitions. 
  • Button tooltip message of chips deleted by migrate use of the DeleteButtonTooltip. 

Wrapping Up

Don’t delay working with a trusted flutter development company to reap the top benefits of Flutter development. Do the research and find the best Flutter developers with proper understanding and current industry knowledge now!
