How App Development Company soft-launch game applications in 2022?

How App Development Company soft-launch game applications in 2022

Launching an application is the most daunting undertaking. After months of development, the production period occurs. The soft launch is vital for determining free-play games, as it looks after how well the game will perform its functioning globally. Considering the Best App Development company is thus the genuine way to develop gaming apps. 

The mobile application development company performs retention and monetization mechanics to ensure scalable marketing. 

In general, the soft launch phase obtained by the mobile application development company will reveal how the game application can enlarge a business. 

In this blog, you can understand how the Best App Development company optimally performs the soft launching of game applications. Here, an outlined strategies maintained by the service provider that addresses the foundational changes impacting the mobile ecosystem. 

Hence, without wasting any further time, let’s jump into the detailed blog to know the details. 

What is Soft Launch? 

A soft launch is a process of going halfway in global production. It is the previous step to releasing an app on the international market. It is a daunting task, and most companies prefer mobile app development companies to ensure accuracy. It is also very daunting but guarantees various crucial benefits to individual businesses. 

Why is the Soft Launching of service Important?

 Being the advanced procedure, the soft launch of an application ensures either the confirmation of the project’s success or guarantees it is not ready for a market push. 

In the next step, improving and releasing the project is mandatory. However, it is the most common process as large and small successful game developers abandon the apps because of low KPIs observation.  

Apart from this, the android and ios app development companies perform the soft launch of an application to receive early reviews from real users. 

Customers’ testimonials with positive feedback can serve more downloads and social proof of the product quality. Quality also attracts a lot of new customers to your business. 

Nevertheless, negative responses can damage business growth. Regardless of this, it helps to make changes in the application with dedicated improvement. 

Another reason depicting the importance of Soft Launch app development is that the iOs and android app development company ensures retention. Almost 80% of apps get judged to be good or bad within three days of downloading. Also, 15% of mobile games take more than one month to ensure the same. The deltaDNA reports stated that games that spend more than one month in the soft launch process increase retention by 20%. 

Why should you hire android app developers? 

You should hire an android developer to enjoy the benefits of the soft launch of an application. Several companies take the help of developers before producing an application as it can help you set the goals of a soft launch in the best manner. 

The various goals of a soft launch of an application ensured if you hire iOS and Android app development services are listed below:

  • Helps to collect the data as per the customer’s behavior
  • Defines the success criteria
  • Also, understand the various types of promotions. 
  • Determines which promotional way is the best and most effective. 
  • Help to build an android app with the overall knowledge of repeated optimization with every new launch. 

Hence, the Android Development company can segment users into cohorts to bring the highest and lowest value. They ensure better targeting of vast LTC and lower CPA. 

Steps obtained for preparing a gaming application

Pre-soft Launch activities

The previous activities performed by the Android Development company include:

Market Research

Before developing a game application, market research is crucial. It is the process of interpreting the games market. Combining lenses metrics with combined opinions enables the team to obtain equilibrium between customer demand and what the team can scale, build, and operate. It is vital as it gives more ideas to the developers for developing and marketing the game. 

Some of the areas of the developer’s research are:

  • The fit of IP address in the game genre. 
  • The name of the game to make it memorable. 
  • Ensures what keywords give high rank
  • Who is satisfied with the genre? 
  • Grabs the size of the potential audiences
  • Understands RPI, also called Revenue Per Install.  
  • Knows whether the players are social or competitive. 

Target Audiences

In the market, there are two kinds of gamers. One belongs to the hardcore game living, and the others are casual gamers. Hardcore gamers are complex gamers who play almost 4 hours/day, whereas casual gamers play a maximum of 20 minutes/day. The mobile application development company should know the audiences the game app will target. The usual process for the target audience is by using categories of games. Games mainly focus on primary and secondary audiences. 

Determining Target Audience

Once the mobile application development company determines the target audience, promotion and marketing become smooth. It is the key to reaching loyal and high-profit players. They also bring a vast ROI to the businesses. As part of the development process, the company hires developers who account for three main aspects: demographics, motivations, and psychographics. 

Concept Testing

Concept testing is also known as theme testing. It is a usual process performed by most developers to mitigate investment risk. Understanding which theme is most popular gives a competitive edge in a saturated market. Performing concept testing is thus a must and plays a crucial role in revealing concrete product development data. 

How do mobile application development services build games with Soft Launches? 

Successful soft launch of a game application is the best way to optimize it in the global market. Companies that specialize in Android app development adhere to three main principles: builds, measures, and loops. 

The various strategies involved in the Soft Launch of a game application include:

Soft Launch Stages- The entire process includes the three main stages:

  • Stage 1: The first stage is all about technical tests. It performs all the tech research, market, stage research, acquisition of challenges. The number of customers and the number of time players spend using the app. These four stages are responsible for giving data rate and crash data. 
  • Stage 2: The second stage includes retention. The android application development uses the retention of D1, D3, and D7 along with FLUTE to check the competition rate. They measure the KPI retention to achieve less than 50% of D1 retention and less than 20% of D7 retention. Also, they include iOS and other things in the market. 
  • Stage 3: In the third stage, monetization is present, where the ultimate fun starts. The developers in this stage improve and measure the monetization matrices and include ROAS oriented campaigns. Also, the monetization KPI measurements to fulfill the requirement of live operations. 


The mobile application development company performs the soft launch to develop a gaming application in 2022. However, it is the most daunting task to perform. With the help of basic strategies, the developers build the app with perfection. The developers study the market, language, behavior, target audiences, and other beta testing reports to develop the best game app that ensures the highest revenue. 

Apart from this, there are several other things that Android application development performs.
