How Does React Native Set Itself Apart from Other Platforms for Developing Fintech Apps?

how does React native set itself apart from other platform for Developing Fintech apps?


Mobile app development has seen tremendous growth in 2022. Even the financial sector has seen the widespread fame of digital applications among youngsters. Both individuals and businesses are fascinated by these financial transaction applications that save time and discard the need of an individual while doing online payments. 

Fintech app development has become rich among people as defined by their usage in stock market trading, insurance, bank transfer and even in managing financial wealth. A question that has come up in recent times is which platform should be considered to develop fintech applications. So, today we are here to make you understand why React Native is considered the best choice for developing financial applications. 

In this blog, you will understand:

  • Features of React Native
  • Why React Native is preferred for Fintech applications?
  • How does Techno Exponent help you to develop Fintech applications?

Features of React Native

React Native is a cross-platform framework known for its excellent features, flexibility, and scalability. The top features of React Native to develop Fintech applications are-

Easy UI modifications

A major benefit of React Native is hot reloading, which is especially useful for fintech applications. By using this feature, you can update the UI without quitting the application to incorporate the latest revisions. 

Facilitate data migration

Migration of data from old technology and applications becomes quite challenging. But with the use of React Native, migration of data has become secure and simpler. If you are looking to migrate data perfectly for your Fintech application you can discuss it with react native development services you choose to work with.

Affordable and faster app development

The reason behind faster app development with React Native is that it uses fewer resources to write codes. It is a more economical and faster tool to develop reliable fronted applications. It comes with ready-to-use components that significantly speed up the development process. Instead of hiring separate developers for Android and iOS, you can hire React Native developers. It takes two teams to develop native apps for both platforms, while React Native requires one team of software developers familiar with JavaScript or Swift. Hence, it results in low cost if you have a limited budget. 

Extensive community support

The sphere of React Native has gained a lot of popularity among developers. Due to React Native’s open-source nature, it is freely available. Every developer can share their experience and contribute to the advancement of the technology.  There is enough support if the development team finds itself stuck somewhere. The use of React Native significantly improves the quality of fintech applications.  

Build for multiple platforms

Due to the growing popularity of fintech applications, cross-platform compatibility is a must. Cross-platform is used in many devices and it helps to bring out the dissimilarities between design and platform interface. Everything becomes easier in cross-platform and it also requires less time and effort.

Why React Native is preferred for Fintech applications?

React Native is a noteworthy framework that attracts developers and enterprises. Let us understand why React Native is so appealing to the Fintech community.

Ready-to-use components

Instead of writing code from a clean slate, you can directly speed up the development process with React Native ready-to-use components offered in Fintech app development.

Relocating developers is easier

Moreover, since Javascript and some additional components and APIs are all part of the React Native environment, it becomes easy to relocate web developers in the react native environment. 

High Productivity

React Native in the fintech applications allows you to build native live applications that perform similarly to native-built solutions with smooth animations.

One time coding

While building creative apps for Android and IOS, the developers have to write separate codes. But choosing a  React Native development company makes a difference. React Native eliminates the need for separate coding and in less time everything is handled smoothly. Also, it becomes easy to manage the development process. In the market maximum smartphone is covered by IOS and Android so you must choose these two platforms to build your Fintech applications.

With Techno Exponent, you can build Fintech apps using React Native

Techno Exponent is a leading mobile app development company that uses React Native to build financial apps with native-like user interfaces. Effortlessly incorporating both end-user and business requirements into a React Native app can be achieved by our team of developers. To get more information about how we can help you, get in touch with us.

In the end

There has been a significant revolution in app development due to React Native. You can see why you should use it for developing fintech apps based on the points listed above. React Native-

  • Run smoothly on all platforms and are faster to develop. 
  • By almost 40%, you can reduce overall development expenses
  • Ensures a great user experience 
  • Due to the one-time coding advantage, small teams can manage these projects well.

React Native development companies have changed the way mobile development is working today. React Native appeals to developers because it is open-source, reusable, UI-oriented, cross-platform, and cost-effective. The framework may be the right choice if you want to save time, become more agile, and create a beautiful, well-functioning mobile application. If you need any further assistance with your financial business, kindly contact us today!

