Is Google I/O opening new ways for mobile application development companies?

Is Google I/O opening new ways for mobile application development companies?

Google I/O is an updated 2022 virtual platform. It is free for everyone. It is the Google developers’ conference that occurs annually in San Francisco. The main agenda of Google I/O is to bring out new and advanced technological sessions. New tech reports with announcements are introduced at the Google I/O conference. 

In the vast digitized platform, very few dimensions are present that allow instant development. It also ensures an immense reach of audiences. Google IO has made accessibility vast, which means it is not only accessed well with mobile phones, but also accessed with TVs, cars, tablets, watches, and more. 

The main agenda of this conference is to discuss the development of applications for all Google’s platforms, along with Chrome, Android, and YouTube. 

During the recent Google I/O conference, it was noted that Android offers the best opportunity to tailor various screens. 

After performing studies, we have discussed the vital motivations it brought for the mobile application development company. Also, this opened up new ways for android developers and made it easy for the android app development company

Table of Contents 

Android developers? 

Top changes in Modern Android Development 


What are the new declarations for Android developers

  • It adds exciting new features to make the entire android app development convenient. 
  • Introduced advancement in the big screen while improving wearable applications. 
  • The production of a new and revamped wallet. 
  • Numerous improvements in Jetpack compose and Android Studio. 

Read more to know the other announcements that made building an android app convenient for mobile application development services. 

Top changes in Modern Android Development 

  1. Jetpack compose beta 1.2- The contemporary Jetpack beta 1.02 supports advanced cases. If you hire android app developers, you will notice that they use the modern UI toolkit, Jetpack Compose. It offers the required APIs to support advanced use cases like downloadable fonts, Lazy Grids, and window nested scrolling interop. Additionally, it guarantees other support with quality features like Live Edit functionality, Recomposition Debugging and Animation Preview. 
  2. Andriod Studio – The introduction to live editing led to the mere success of Android Studio. Additionally, a Dolphin Beta and an Electric Eel Canary app are included. The dolphin offers new and improved features for Jetpack Composer and Wear OS development. The Electric Eel assures integration with the new Google Play SDK Index and Fireball Crashytics. Apart from this, it benefits the Android Development company by offering a unique, resizeable emulator for further testing of applications. For knowledge, you can also read the Android Studio I/O blog post here. 
  3. Baseline Profiles- The baseline profile accelerates your app load time. Hence, these tools are worldwide famous as it guarantees a big difference in user retention. The baseline profiles allow apps and libraries to ensure ahead-of-time complications and prioritize applications with Android metadata. It also offers 30% faster app reloading with zero additional code changes. It is well maintained by the 
  4. Getting huge on android tablets- The latest launch of Android 12L and Android 13 added improvements and more. It announced the introduction of Pixel tablets in the upcoming years. Google allowed smooth access to apps and software for large screens like tablets.
  5. Wear OS- The Wear OS latest updates allowed app developers to specify unique specifications. Jetpack, composed for Wear OS, is now in beta. It offers a beautiful app creation with fewer code lines. The health industry enjoyed a lot as health and fitness are also betas. 
  6. Introducing health connect- Health connect is a unique platform developed in close collaboration between Google and Samsung. It mainly simplifies the connectivity between apps allowing them easier to reach. The developers also require less effort and can securely access and share user health by building this app.   
  7. Android for cars, TV, and more- Android is now for cars, TV, and more. Developers, with the help of the featured AI technique, are building successful apps for cars. It includes a voice console, GPI technique, and many more. 
  8. Addition of voice assistance- The App Development company adds voice assistance across all devices. Thus, voice searching is preferred to access apps more conveniently. The developers are building better to detect broader instances with the help of Machine Learning. Nevertheless, it also expires not to use any NLU training for heavy lifts. Additionally, it introduced improvements that drive the discovery of apps via voice on Mobile. 
  9. New in the play- The Google IO introduced some new areas in the play. Introducing new methods, the best mobile app development company generates robust growth for its clients. It introduces new ways and tools in Google Play. The Live OP beta is the innovative technology that guarantees developers to submit loyal content and feature it on the Play Store with vast flexibility in selling subscriptions.
  10. Private sandbox on Android- The app developers can introduce a private sandbox on Android, creating a new space for advertising. It also improves privacy without putting access to free content and services at risk. 
  11. Google Wallet API- The Google Wallet API allows developers to create direct pay passes API. It helped the business to offer both gaming and smooth subscription channels.
  12. Android 13- Lastly, Google IO introduced the second beta Android 13. It offered the smooth building of Android apps. Additionally, it includes more features and guarantees great convenience for developers. 


The above are a few snapshots from Google I/O. Also, if you are wondering, how does this benefit mobile application development companies? Yes, the new technologies and tools offered by Google I/O helped the further development. It opened up new ways for developers. Developers also enjoyed a broader scope of a deployment. 

If you want to develop the best performing apps inbuilt with Google I/O tools, you can contact the best mobile application development company. 

Talking of the same, Techno Exponent is the leading Android Development company. Here, you can find the best developers who know how to satisfy clients’ demands. 
