Java Vs. Kotlin- Which One is the best for Android App Development?


Convenient accessibility and smooth performance have given unbeatable popularity to mobile applications. And this rapidly increasing popularity makes Android app development more relevant than ever. However, the top two programming languages developers use for this purpose include Java and Kotlin.

Between these two, developers had a preference for Java until the introduction of Kotlin. Now, selecting any alternative between Kotlin and Java is a matter of dilemma. In this blog, I will compare Java and Kotlin, which will help you to make the right decision.

Definition of Java

Definition of Kotlin

Java Vs. Kotlin- Main Differences

Should you switch to Kotlin?

Closing Note

Definition of Java

Java is an object-oriented, robust language that developers use for different purposes besides android mobile app developmentOther usages of Java are server apps, web apps, big data, etc. Sun Microsystems introduced it in 1995. This one has been one of the favorite options for an android app development company for a long. Java has some top features that are not present in Kotlin. These are:

  • Non-private fields
  • Different types of Wildcard.
  • Easy availability of different non-classes primitive types
  • Static members
  • Checked exceptions

Definition of Kotlin

The primary focus of kotlin was to increases the productivity of Java. But within a short time, it became its programming language. Kotlin runs on JVM (Java Virtual Machine), and it could be compiled into JavaScript. Hire Android app developer who codes on Native/Kotlin and builds cross-platform apps using IDE. Before the final selection, make sure to explore these essential factors.

Netflix, Uber, Twitter, and Trello are the tech giants that use this programming language for Android app development. Others are on the row planning to migrate.

Exclusive Features of Kotlin absent in Java

  • Small casts
  • Multiple properties
  • Accessibility of primary constructions
  • Companion objects
  • Different variety of data classes
  • Extension functions
  • Java Vs. Kotlin- Main Differences


Java Vs. Kotlin- Main Differences

  1. Coding Speed

Kotlin is ideal to make android app with minimal typing. laconic constructions of this language make this possible. It takes more time in Java to solve a problem that denotes this has a higher rate of cognitive load. Kotlin is the best option for developers who think abstractly. Besides, Java has increased the coding process that saves time.

The difference in this segment is not sizable. Hence, in this segment, the verdict is a draw.

  1. Stability

It is a crucial factor to consider before you choose android coders for hire. Java, a long-time favorite of developers, gives long-term support for Java 8 and 11. It assures the quick solving of issues in these versions with a patch.

Contrarily, Kotlin has not any versions with long-term support. So, Java is the winner in the segment of stability.

  1. Performance

Both these programming languages compile to ByteCode. If you talk about memory usage, the comparison will be difficult. And due to this cause, a performance comparison is also a tough job.

You can consider Kotlin more functional compared to Java. A mobile application development company can work with multithreading apps, using Kotlin for its Coroutines tool.

Kotlin is a little slower than Java for its different features. So, if you talk about performance, the difference is ignorable.

  1. Popularity 

It is better to hire android application developer after getting an idea about the popularity of these two. Instead of going through many ups and downs, in long-distance, Java is popular than Kotlin. The longer life of Java is its prime cause.

  1. Documentation

Both these languages for Android app development have different documentations. Java is one of the top uncomplicated languages to learn, and its official documentation is available in Oracle. Koltin’s official documentation is not sufficient to give an idea about its working technique.

Should you switch to Kotlin?

When it is about overall benefits, switching from Java to Kotlin will be an ideal option. Here I will try to give you an idea of whether you should switch to Koltin in brief. Read this before you hire android app programmers. 

As a younger language, Java has some information gaps. It may lead android coders for hire to a problem-solving gap. Besides, Kotlin has a rapidly growing and maturing community.

The second factor is their future. Kotlin has a bright future. Thanks to its benefits, including functionality, decreased workload, etc.

Now, the million dollars question arises is Kotlin a suitable replacement for Java? In the long run, there is an inevitable chance of this replacement. Hence, switching might become necessary in the future.

But quick switching is not a desirable option as it can lead you many problems. Some of these include class deletion, architectural issues, and so on. Opt for a gradual and switch change and get its benefits. Give time to relevant facts like market trends before proceeding to hire Android developer.

Closing Note

So, you might understand makings a comparison between these two is a daunting task. Both these are similar in different aspects, and they suit varied tasks. Java is a universal language best-fitted for Android app development. But when it is about developing modern-day applications, Koltin will be a better option. In the end, your selection depends on the developer and the requirements of your project. However, hire android app developer from our company and be assured of your project’s success.
