Node js Development for IOT is the Perfect Love Story: Learn Why

Node js Development for IOT is the Perfect Love Story

More than 7.78 billion people exist worldwide, and as per the average calculation, 3 out of 4 people have a smart device. Are you one of them? Do you own a smartwatch, a TV, or more? If you do, you probably are linked to IoT. That’s right! The Internet of Things is present everywhere! There are more than 26.66 billion devices connected to it. Additionally, by 2026, the IoT market is said to enjoy a market revenue of ‘USD 1,386.06 billion. (See why you should invest in it) With the growing demand for IoT, companies are investing more and more in Node.js development for their IoT projects. Now, you might wonder, what is the hype about Node.js? Why is everyone calling it the best fit for IoT? 

Well, this blog has your answer to your question!

Table of Content

  1. Understanding the Scope of IoT (Business) 
  2. Why Node.js is the best fit for IoT


The Business Scope of IoT


If you have considered expanding your business with IoT, you must know it will bring a good ROI. Now, as you know by 2019, the world had 7.6 billion IoT devices. This number will escalate to 24.1 billion by the year 2030. This means the average household will have 5-7 IoT devices.

Why? Well, technology is expanding, and more smart devices are launching each day. With the millennial and generation Z chasing smart homes, and gadgets, the rise of IoT is inevitable. 

In terms of market income, in 2019, the IoT sector enjoyed a net worth of US$465 billion. This will escalate to US$1.5 trillion in 2030.

Enterprises and empires will likely spend 2/3 of their income on hardware; the rest will go to modules, IoT devices, and gateways. You can be sure that IoT will bring your business ‘big fat revenue’ if you bet on it. 

Nevertheless, with more demand comes competition. Thus, you need to choose the best framework compatible with IoT. Developers claim that it is Node.js. However, don’t just hire Node.js developer based on words! 

Check out the reasons instead!

Why is Node.js Development So Compatible with IoT?Every day you leave the house, you must have seen numerous people wearing smartwatches. In fact, at home, people use washing machines, microwave ovens, smart TV and whatnot! All of these devices are easily connected to a smartphone today.

All you need to do is install an app that lets you manage countless gadgets direly via your smartphone. This is where the magic of IoT comes in! IoT lets your mobile app pair up with smart technology and helps you access things in real-time. 

Now, to create these IoT-friendly apps, developers use many programming languages. C++, Java, Python, and more can help build the best IoT platforms. However, all of these fade away in comparison when JavaScript comes in. JavaScript paired with Node.js is the best bet for building IoT-based apps. 

Node front-end framework and backend both use JavaScript. What’s more? This technology has a multimillion community of developers who can help give innovative ideas. In addition, Node.js comes with a powerful library that can handle server-heavy projects. So, this stable, power-packed framework is ideal for developing complex multi-functional projects. 


It is also easy to learn!  


A Few Reasons Why Node.Js Development Should be a Go to for IoT!

Node.Js Fits IoT Protocols

Easy integration is one of the determining factors that IoT relies on. Therefore, if you wish to develop an app that readily integrates data services, the scope of adoption rises. The integration is done at the back-end level; now, Node.js is compatible with the MQTT protocol used by most IoT applications for easy communication.

The use of Node for backend enables applications to connect easily with 3rd parties and independent services. This allows it to prepare for seamless integration across environments. Some good examples here are Nest doorbell, Uber app, Smart TV.

Mobile APIs

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are the main use of Node.js. For example, the first to build a mobile API using Node was LinkedIn. Node.js is one of the first technologies that comes with many integrated frameworks like Hapi. Restify and Express also used the same for optimizing their web service, and you can hire Node.js experts to build API for your IoT project. 

With only a few lines of coding by trusted developers, you can get maximum ROI for your enterprise by using Node-based API in your IoT project. So, rest assured and get in touch with a trusted Node.Js development company.

Secure Management of Data

IoT devices break down security into three main parts –

  • Precise and accurate code architecture
  • Access different functional types
  • Verification of user authenticity in devices.

IoT centers on communicating, collecting data, interpreting, and developing. Node.js is famous for its scalability, performance, and agility that help it deliver data in real-time applications. Thus, Node.js is highly compatible with IoT, which relies on real-time data-intensive traffic. In short, if you wish to opt for developing web applications with Node.js for IoT, that’s a sure win.


Final Words


As you can see, with the multiple benefits it packs, Node.js development is indeed the best fit for IoT. So, hurry to get in touch with a trusted enterprise now for your IoT project. Meanwhile, if you are on the lookout for a trusted web application development company featuring the best Node.js developers, we can help!

At Techno Exponent, we flaunt a skilled set of Node.js developers who can fulfill your every need. So, hire us for your project, and let us help you exploit all the perks IoT has to offer. We also provide dedicated resources, so visit us now!
