Node JS Vs. Python- Which Technology Should You Trust for Backend Development?

More than one option of popular backends can create a dilemma among individuals. Similarly, most people ask Node JS VS. Python- which is better?

Node JS and Python are the two most popular backend frameworks that can work wonders for your business. But which one is the best? To acknowledge detailed differences, follow this blog.

Starting from the beginning, Node JS and Python are both famous for web app development on the global web.

Most industries choose backend technology as per their requirements for Web app Development. It is the most convenient and appropriate approach to get desired results for your business.


Website Catagories comparison of Node.JS and Python


Combining backend frameworks is imperative for determining performance, ease of development, scalability, resource consumption, and success.

Being an owner, you might always ask for the best. Hence it is vital to understand the difference between Flutter framewaork and Node JS.

Table of Content

Brief Overview of Node JS

Brief Overview of Python

Node JS VS Python- Statistical Reports

The detailed difference between Node JS and Python


Brief Overview of Node JS

An event-driven, scalable web app development framework. Mainly released by Ryan Dahl in 2009 as a virtual machine depending on the Google V8 engine. It includes some inbuilt compilers, interpreters, and optimizers.

The main motive of Node.JS developers is to compile the JavaScript functions into the machine code.




  • High Tech Stack- Node JS offers a rich technological sack. Being a Javascript framework, it offers vast resources, community support, and high-tech support. Also, developers from the best node js development company utilize MEAN Stack, which is a combination of MongoDB, Express.JS, Angular, and NODE JS.
  • Flexible Microservice Development- The Node JS developers develop multiple modules for a project in no time. It is basically possible because of the packager manager of Node JS. Thus, it is also perfect and helps to develop the microservices conveniently. Several big companies like PayPal services shifted from the monolith to microservices. The main motive of this change is to get better maintenance, improve quality testing, and update numerous features simultaneously.
  • Powerful Ecosystem- The Node JS package manager (NPM) includes various open-source JS plugins. More or less, more than 840,000 libraries are present in the large ecosystem of Node JS. Hence, dedicated Node JS developers use NPM modules in over 97% of web apps.
  • Cost-Efficient- Another benefit of Node JS is, that it is highly compatible with the front-end and back-end development. It helps to avoid two separate resources for the development and hence saves the cost of app development and fastens the entire development process.

Brief Overview of Python 

Python was developed for Google and functions on Google App Engine. It offers several benefits by offering various libraries and tools. Python Developers with this ideal programming language develop applications for uncorrelated use cases.


Python is not meant for web development but offers vast advantages.

  • Simplicity- Python includes vast simplicity as it includes a Syntax. The syntax makes the code simple, conversational, and readable.
  • AI and ML Learning – Python developers utilize Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning opportunities to develop eye-catching projects. It includes many in-built AI libraries like TensorFlow, Pylearn2, and Scikit.
  • Various spots for library hosting- The library hosting for Python allows the integration of additional plugins and APIs. It offers various spots like AWS, Heroku, Digital Option, A2 Hosting, TMDHosting, and other platforms.
  • Flexibility- Developers find Python the most convenient one for quick code interruption. Hence, it takes less time and performs a faster application development.

Node JS VS Python- Statistical Reports 



Node JS- Statistics

  • As per Statista, Node JS is the sixth most famous and blooming language, commonly used for development.
  • More than 85% of business owners hire dedicated node.js developers for web app development
  • It reduces almost 58% of development costs.
  • The app performance is increased by more than 50%.
  • No matter what, the average cost of hiring a Node JS developer is $15-$38.

Python Statistics

  • It benefits the developers with AI, ML, and many more tools.
  • The average cost of Python Developers ranges from $20-$40.

The Detailed comparison between Node JS and Python 

Understanding which one is better between Node JS and Python is a daunting task. It becomes harder as both are popular backend frameworks for app development.

Listing some areas with adequate differences that can help you acknowledge the difference:


Node.JS vs Python Difference


  • Performance- Node JS is a compatible framework that performs multitasking on the go. It is highly preferred as it does not low down the server performance. More or less, Node JS is built on the fastest Javascript engine available on the market and conveniently handles the large flow of data.Not so similarly, Python offers a different kind of performance and lags the performance compared to Node JS. While working parallel, it can slow down the speed.
  • Learning Curve- The learning curve of Node JS is not hard. The minor knowledge of Javascript makes it easier to understand the learning curve. Although, most of the time, following the steps of installation and documentation for someone due to the event-driven programming concept, is daunting.Python is an easy-to-understand programming language compared to Node JS. Because of its simple syntax and small length code, the learning curve becomes convenient.
  • Community Support- Node JS includes a vast community of highly experienced and skilled users. As per the studies of Github, Node JS includes 23.4K Fork and 87.4K Stars. The large community support makes Node.JS an effective choice for individuals.

    Hire Developers
    On the other hand, Python also offers large community support. The developers get immense help in application development. On Github, Python has 23.1K Fork and 44.7K Star, comparatively lower than Node.js programming language.

  • Errors Handling- Node JS includes a multitasking feature. Hence, the Node.JS developers can easily handle and solve the errors, and bugs while application development.Python, on the other hand, does not support the multitasking feature. Although, the simple syntax makes the error handling process more convenient.
  • Scalability- To develop a server-side part of an application, scalability is highly required. Node JS uses the single thread technology to manage non-blocking I/O calls. The function is unavoidable a sit guarantees a convenient vertical and horizontal scalability. Node JS provides scalability on both single and multiple servers.Python and multithreading do not go hand in hand. Hence, it is said that the scalability offered by Python is lower and cannot be compare with other programming languages.
  • Versatility- Node JS includes a high amount of versatility because of its JavaScript framework. Mobile applications, Desktop applications, IoT solutions, and Cloud solutions with back-end and front-end support are well performed with Node JS.Python due to its easy readability is ideal for all platforms. This language fails to perform the web application development ideally. The IoT solutions and web development are well achieved with Python.

Hence from the above difference, it is considered that both Node JS and Python are vital for web development. Node JS also includes some additional benefits compared to Python. Many businesses thus prefer Node.js developers for hire. Python in some areas also can perform wonder for your business. You can choose the best programming language for your business as per your requirements.


Choosing the best form of the app development process can protect your business and heal your situation by earning a lot of revenue. But it is tricky, don’t you think so? The features, requirements, and benefits on both sides can be overwhelming and can cloud your judgment.

We hope the above blog was informative and you understood the utmost difference between Node JS and Python.

However, if you feel like hiring Node JS developers or Python Dvelopers, you can think of Techno Exponent. We are the leading web app development company. We can offer you the best solutions.

So, for any dilemma, whether it’s Node JS or Python, do contact our expert team. It will be our pleasure to help you understand and offer suggestions.
