Popular Node.js Development Trends Ruling in 2021

Node.js Development

The E-commerce sector has thrived like never before in 2021. And this fact has caused many changes in the web app development sector. However, in the world of web app development, how node.js can be overlooked? After all, this backend technology works excellently when it is about creating real-time and robust apps. Have a look at the Node.js development trends that have caused a buzz this year here. But get started by exploring some detailed information on Node.js.

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Definition & some information on Node.js

It is nothing but a cross-platform, backend JS runtime that can execute JS code outside the browser. Ryan Dhal created node.js in 2009. He found the capacity of multi-tasking in node.js. It uses an event-driven I/O model, and C, C++ is used to write node.js.

Set of libraries in Node.js allow developers to build light and fast apps. A great thing about the Node.js web framework is it supports different OS, including MS Windows, Linux, macOS, etc.

Node.js is the ideal alternative for different data-intensive platforms. All these run through different devices in real-time.

Hence, these factors make it one of the top emerging technologies. But don’t take words only. Check out this stat and get an idea of its popularity among business owners.

What Do Recent Studies say about Node.js?

Here is the recent stat on node.js that you will find interesting.

  • At least 20 million websites use node.js for its reduced development cost.
  • Leading industry giants including NetFlix, eBay, Amazon, LinkedIn, PayPal rely on Node.js development. 49.9 % of pro developers use node.js for libraries, tools, and frameworks.
  • Node.js has experienced great popularity in the developers’ community. 75.9 K stars. 3K+ watchers, 19K Forks on GitHub state this fact.
  • 43% of node.js developers prefer to use node.js for building enterprise apps.
  • According to StackOverflow’s Survey in 2020, node.js has gained the top position.

What makes Node.js so popular?

Node.js app development got popular both among the developers and users for many valid reasons. Here I will point out some notable of them.

  1. Quick Scaling Capacity
  2. High level of flexibility
  3. Prompt caching
  4. A lively user community
  5. Easy learning option
  6. Superb real-time communication

Name of Some top node.js frameworks

Top Nodejs Framework-

Have a sneak peek at the top three node.js frameworks that are demandable for providing a simple web app development process.

Express.js– It is one of the best web app frameworks, popular for its lightweight. Express.js offers a layer of basic web app features causing no obscurity.

Meteor.js- Meteor. Js gained popularity for providing prompt JS applications. This open-source framework offers smooth web app building with its efficient scaling capacity.

Nest.js- This versatile node.js framework comes with a progressive nature and creates great backend systems. Developers use this node.js framework for testable and scalable apps. Nest.js is one of the rapidly growing frameworks that can take node.js servers to a new height.

Node.js App Development trends that are ruling in 2021

Move on to the key topic of this discussion and know the popular Node.js development trends that are popular in 2021.

 Trend 1- Realtime Apps

Real time apps

 2021 is the year for real-time apps that are going to be on the top of the charts. Real-time apps need a robust backend that can offer unbeatable app performance. Speed is the prime focus of such apps, and it makes node.js the ideal choice for them. Real-time data apps that developers build by node.js are:

  1. VoIP apps
  2. Apps for video conferencing
  3. Virtual gaming applications
  4. Document sharing apps
  5. Apps for instant messaging

 Trend 2- MERN and MEAN Stack

MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.JS) AND MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.JS) are two top stacks that enable developers to develop complex apps and frontend web applications. The confidence of Tech giants like Netflix on these stacks boosts their popularity. The whole site of Netflix depends on the MERN stack.

 Trend 3- Serverless Architecture        

Serverless Architecture

Node.js gets an added popularity for this reason. Serverless architecture lessens the worry about server maintenance. Moreover, it can reduce the dependency on servers, leading to a more cost-effective node.js development project for business owners. Besides saving money, this feature saves time and increases the productivity of developers.

Trend 4- GraphQL- a substitute to RESTful API

GraphQL specifies the need for data. Proper use of GraphQL allows clients to request the required data from the server. In response to the query, the server sends a JSON response. Data is collected from multiple sites using this method. GraphQL is an emerging trend in the node.js development field. The past two years have seen a rapidly increasing popularity of it. GraphQL’s streamlining capacity on different platforms makes it a favorite of many developers.

 Trend 5- Internet of Things

Internet of Things

Node.js app development offers a chance for IoT. Hence, many renowned companies have started their hiring process already to build apps using this technology. Faster real-time execution is the prime benefit of using node.js for IoT. Besides this, other benefits that encourage so many companies to go for it are implementing better microservices, a data-centric approach, etc.

Final Thoughts

So, now perhaps you have gathered an idea about the node.js development trends. All these stats, trends, and facts present the increasing tendency of hiring node.js developers to build robust web apps in upcoming years. This technology is helpful for the simplification of databases workflows. Anyway, if you want to talk to experts about your next node.js app development project, we are ready to help you. So, discuss your needs with us freely and hand over your project to us. As a proud winner of many prestigious awards, we will assure you to offer top-notch services as per your needs.
