Reasons for the Increase in Mobile App Development

According to statistics, there are 7.74 billion people on the planet. And more than 6 billion of them are using smartphones. With the increase in uniqueness in mobile computing, the development of mobile apps is increasing.

Presently, the arena of mobile apps is developing fast due to digitization. Communication has become simpler and fast-paced. However, it increases the number of social media apps.

According to a recent survey, Facebook is identified as the most popular app both on IOS and Android.  Let us understand the reasons for the increase in IOS and Mobile App development through this blog.


One of the main reasons behind the increase in mobile app development is the e-commerce business. It has become more gigantic as the number of users is growing significantly each day. The success of e-commerce has left the retail industry wide open. Retailers look forward to app development to make their business digitized through E-Commerce applications to attract more customers and increase sales. Popularity on sites like Flipkart, eBay, and Amazon are live examples today. Today, more than average people prefer online shopping. As the products are easily available around the clock the demand for online shopping will simultaneously increase. This will result in generating high revenue for the entrepreneurs.


In the future, both affordable and budget-friendly applications will rule the technical market. We at techno exponent meet the expectations of our clients without pinching their pockets. Additionally, you can get customized applications according to your choice of product. Therefore, building a mobile app is more important than getting a website design. The development of the application business will continue to reach greater heights.

Application growth

According to the present scenario, the growth of business applications is having a positive impact on the demand for mobile applications. The need for mobile applications increases five times as the year ends. The number of mobile devices keeps soaring as business apps require the assistance of applications for optimum performance.

The most prospering and promising in business are those companies that are highly interactive in designing the application. If you want to maximize profit and take your business to the next level you must get a mobile app for it. However, an investment in mobile development will help financially in the long run. The expert team of mobile development at Techno Exponent helps you to rest assured that your enterprise application will be a creative and unique part of your brand.

Increases competition

We have several organizations that do not have mobile applications, even though a growing number are adopting mobile app platforms to transform their businesses. In addition to helping you to outperform your competitors, mobile app development also helps you to impress your potential clients and increase your market share.

Increase accessibility

Tablet and smartphone users constantly rise which means they don’t have enough time to sign up for a mobile website. The websites are designed for navigation and reading ability not for managing the process.

Cloud Technology

Cloud technology has increased rapidly in the last few years. Cloud storage is becoming inexpensive as the service provider investing is more efficient. Cloud technology is the backbone of mobile development. There are different things that we do on applications today that help to leverage cloud technology like ordering food and booking a cab. Cloud has made website hosting expensive, accessible, and efficient.


Digital transformation is so profitable that companies refuse to embrace it. Due to technological change, customers are increasingly becoming more demanding and aspirational.  Digital transformation is the best way to transform the business. Also, customers love to experience different brands through online platforms. Therefore, investing in mobile apps accelerates digital transformation and achieves a real competitive advantage.
