Top 3 Frameworks for your Upcoming Android App Projects 2022!

Android App development

It is no secret that the demand for handy Android app is growing at an exponential rate. As per App Annie’s mobile data report, consumers are spending 4.2 hours on their mobile apps. Additionally, Clarion states “the mobile application market is expanding at a rate of CARG 14% and is predicted to reach 100 USD Billion by 2022.”

What’s more? Smartphones are replacing human connections and the global analytics teams are witnessing an increased use of the Android app by 30% since the prior year. Therefore, to stand within the 1.5 billion downloads of android applications, you must develop the best custom apps.

But, how to do that?

With the help of the correct framework of course!

How Important is Choosing the Right Mobile App Development Framework?

At present, there is a myriad of Android application tools available in the market for developing scalable apps. Nevertheless, with the number of increasing tools to pick from, even android development experts land in a maze with no way out.

However, they must pick the right tool for a specific app development project or incur losses. To create the perfect app, they should choose a framework that helps develop an app with the following features:

  • Secure
  • Fast
  • Scalable
  • Is cross-platform
  • Solves a prime problem
  • Offers Excellent ROI

Now, if you are wondering about which framework you should opt for, this blog has you covered!

3 Android App Development Frameworks for your 2022 Projects!

1.Ionic Framework

Ionic Framework

Since 2012, Ionic has been running as one of the popular cross-platform app frameworks developed by MIT. It combines modern technologies like CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript and is a good choice for making apps for restaurants, SMEs, pharmaceuticals, and more.

Who is Best Suited to Use Iconic?

If you are looking to hire android developer who is comfortable working on hybrid apps, Ionic is the best framework to pick. It is easy to understand and features attractive animations, gestures, and software tools that help developers create progressive web apps for multi-platforms.

Additionally, it is easy to integrate with libraries like AngularJs and utilizes services such as fingerprint authentication, Bluetooth, and others to make nifty apps. Further, Iconic hosts a Command Line Interface, which aids in developing apps with excellent interfaces.

USP of Iconic Framework:

  • MVC Architecture- AngularJS
  • License Open-source, MIT
  • Deployment Choices- Mobile, Desktop, Web, PWA
  • Native API Contact- Native plugin library, using Capacitor and Cordova
  • Use of HTML5, JavaScript, CSS languages.
  • Support Forums- Active Stack Overflow, Ionic Slack, Ionic Support Forum.

2.Flutter Framework

Flutter Framework

When it comes to Android app development, Flutter the new cop in town has already made its mark! It is an open-source, free UI SDK mobile framework launched by Google for building scalable apps.

It eases multi-platform development via its use of Dark language and uses existing codes to develop mobile apps that meet the requirements.

Who is the Right Choice for Flutter?

If you hire someone to make an android app for enterprises like Tencent, eBay, and more, Flutter is your best friend! You can also hire android developers to make apps for food delivery, and more!

It allows developers to perform a series of tests to check out the functionality, performance UI, and more. This results in developers creating highly utility-based apps, which can meet the market needs.

What’s more? Flutter also enjoys features like quick rendering, screen reading, themes, and others that help in agile app development.

Let’s Check out Flutter’s USP:

  • Deployment Options- Mobile, PWA, Desktop, Web
  • Dart, C++, C languages
  • UI Elements- Widgets for Material Cupertino and Design, Attractive UI rendering mechanisms
  • Development Interface- Robust CLI tools
  • MVC Construction- Skia
  • Support Forums- Slack, GitHub

Flutter has been found to hold plenty of benefits such as a screen reader, fast development, quick rendering, and themes for Android and iOS among many more.

3.React Native

React Native Framework

With around 90,000 developers on board, React Native is voted as the 3rd most wanted crossplatform development framework. Released in 2015, React uses a flexible JavaScript library for developing both iOS and Android apps.

Who Should Use a React Framework?

If you wish to develop an android app for Facebook, Walmart, Yahoo, Instagram, and others, React Native is your best bet. It uses platform-centric APIs and built-in interfaces that allow mobile apps to have a natural look.

Additionally, an app made via React uses Java, Objective C, and Swift. This makes them similar to native apps.

Highlighting the USP of React Native:

  • Languages- JavaScript and React
  • Deployment Choice- UWP, Mobile, Web
  • Native API- Third-Party Libraries, JavaScript
  • MVC Architecture- Redux and Flux
  • UI Features- Native Widgets
  • Support Platforms- Dev Community, StackOverflow, GitHub

Parting Notes

Well! Now, that you know about the top functional mobile frameworks to choose from, don’t wait around! Hire android application developer and get started on your 2022 projects ASAP!

Nevertheless, if you are looking for a trusted enterprise to handle your mobile application development and more, you can check us out! We are an award-winning company with experienced developers in our team. Flaunting 5+ years of market experience and vivid knowledge of digital trends our android app development company can solve your digital needs!
