Unlock the Potential of Flask and Django!

Unlock the Potential of Flask and Django


For Web application development, Python web frameworks are in most demand in the constantly growing world. Among the various Python web frameworks, Flask and Django have gained vast popularity in the crowded industry. You must wonder why? Well, this framework effectively offers a productive approach to application development, saves time, and money, and performs core scaffolding. 

Being highly popular, both are good choices for modern development. Many developers get confused while choosing the best framework. To say which Python framework is best in 2023, we presented this blog with a detailed comparison between Flask and Django. 

Before understanding the frameworks, you should know that as per the JetBrains Python Developer Survey, it was found that although Django has long held the title of most popular Python web framework, Flask just overtook Django to claim the top rank, which is not surprising given the recent trend in web development towards smaller frameworks, microservices, and “serverless” systems.

So let’s highlight their standpoint on various perspectives of web development. 

Head-to-Head Analysis 

As per the latest Stack Overflow developer survey Django and Flask have gained the top 15 positions. 

The positions of each framework are shown in the following diagram:

The positions of each framework:

   Frameworks    Growth Percentage  
         React.JS              22.55%
          Node.JS             16.14% 
          Vue.JS                14%
          Next.JS               11.32%
          Svelte               9.43% 
         Django              7.95%
         Angular              7.19%
          Deno              5.66%
        Fast API                 4.94%
         Express              4.89% 
         Blazor              4.69% 
         Nuxt.JS             4.76% 
AS[.NET Core             4.43% 
         Flask              4.32% 
      Angular.JS              4.32% 

Now let’s briefly figure out the differences between Flask and Django Python Web Framework.

Django Flask
Architecture Model View Template (MVT) Wrapper for WSGI
Framework Type Full-stack Micro-framework
Working Style Monolithic Diversified
Flexibility Low High
Companies Using It Spotify, Instagram, Dropbox, Pinterest, Mozilla, YouTube, NASA, National Geographic Netflix, Reddit, Uber, Lyft, Zillow, Patreon, Airbnb, MIT
GitHub Stars 68.4k 61.7k
Open-Source Yes Yes
API Support No Yes
Database Support Built-in ORM & support for SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, and Oracle Relies on SQLAlchemy or other extensions for ORM
Bootstrapping Tool Yes (Django-admin) No
Template Engine Django Template Language (DTL) Jinja2
Authorization Account management & sessions Cookies
Multi-Page Apps Yes No (Single-Page Only)
Dynamic HTML Yes No
Third-Party App Support Yes No
Virtual Debugger No Yes
Testing Support Yes (unit test) Yes (unit test)
Forms Built-in Requires Flask-WTF extension
URL Dispatcher Controller RegEx RESTful


What is Django? 

A free programming language with enhanced features and performance is called Django. Developers favor the Django framework because it enables them to perform routine tasks with no intervention from management, systems, or protocols.

With the quick development and straightforward, practical design, Django is characterized as a “framework for fussbudgets with deadlines”. The agile development process used by the framework places all of its attention on producing high-quality work quickly and effectively. Django handles several basic development tasks fast including site mapping, content management, client information, and many others. It solely concerns itself with applying as quickly as feasible.

Many businesses prefer to hire Django web development services for their ultimate satisfaction with web development. 

What is Flusk? 

Another microframework for creating web apps based on Python is Flask Framework. The test procedure was first presented by Armin Ronacher in 2011 for integrating Werkzeug (a server framework) with Jinja2 (a template library).

It was planned to be a test run in a zip file that finally stems from Flask’s good influence. Flask is classified as the micro framework, where it does not rely on external libraries for performing any task. It works independently and includes its own set of tools, technologies, and libraries. 

Flask & Django Features 

In further discussion, some common features of Django and Flask are listed below:

Django Features 

  • Django is a flexible framework that may be used to develop any website (social network, news site, content management system, and so on) with content in HTML, XML, JSON, and other forms. Any client-side framework can be used in conjunction with it.
  • User account management, transaction management, cross-site request forgery, clickjacking, and other issues are all handled automatically by the secure framework Django. 
  • The fact that Django is built to handle heavy traffic demands is one of the factors contributing to its popularity for large web projects. 
  • For your online application, Django, a full-stack Python framework, offers a variety of capabilities, from user authentication to RSS feeds. 

Flask Features 

  • Flask is more adaptable to varied working methods and approaches to web app development than the dogmatic Django framework. Programmers with more coding experience or more control over the app design prefer Flask.
  • Because Flask lacks a default model, it is supported by a variety of databases. Hence, it is easy and scalable to integrate databases in a Flask web application.
  • If you want to build a straightforward web application with a few static pages, Flask will be more convenient. For smaller web applications, many programmers find Flask to be easily scalable.
  • It comes with a built-in development server and a quick debugger.

A detailed comparison between Flask and Django

  • Philosophy

Django and Flask both are open-source, Python-based web frameworks designed to develop web applications. 

Although, when comparing Django with Flask, Django performs good stability with the “batteries included” approach (like offers various tools, patterns, features, and functionality). For short stability performance, Django is more beneficial and includes vast rigid cycles. 

On the other hand, Flask is a great option for controlling core scaffolding. It offers out-of-the-box URL routing, request and error handling, templating, cookies, support for unit testing, a debugger, and a development server.

  • Admin 

Django has a functional admin panel, with an effective user interface that manages quick-based data models. Also, it allows quick CRUD operation performance against your models without any additional code writing.

On the other hand, Flask Admin supports various number backends like SQLAlchemy, Peewee, MongoEngine, and more. It offers popular Flask auth extensions for quick logins, security, and principals. 

  • Routing & Views 

It is no lie that both frameworks support URLs to view and support functions with class-based views. 

Django explicitly passes the HTTP request information and offers access to a URL pattern that matches the request respectively. Here, both URLs and Views are defined in separate files like urls.py and views.py. 

Flask on the other hand uses a Werkzeug for URL routing and handling requests/responses. Here the request object is global and offers a quick match. 

  • Architecture 

Django follows an MVT architecture to perform web development. The MVT architecture includes a Model, View, and Template.

Flask on the other hand offers a minimalistic framework for performing web development. It also assures developers of immense flexibility in application structuring and development. 

  • Database Support

Django supports the most popular relational databases and manages systems like MySQL, Oracle, and more. 

Flask, on the other hand, does not support the basic database management system and utilizes SQLAlchemy for better management of database requirements in a file. 

  • Maturity 

Django was launched in 2005, which is older than the Flask framework. Hence, Django is considered a mature framework with extensive community support.

Flask on the other hand is a younger framework that was launched in 2010. Unlike Django, Flask also has large community support. 

  • Project Layout 

Django is highly suitable for the multiple-page application. This is because it offers a vast project layout in web application development. The developers also perform the Django projects conveniently with the vast project layout. 

Flask does not integrate a vast project layout unlike Django but rather performs effectively with single-page applications. 

  • Security 

Django comes with built-in defenses against several popular attack methods, including CSRF, XSS, and SQL injection. These security methods assist in protecting against vulnerabilities in your code. Also, the Django development team promptly and proactively reports any identified security flaws.

Similarly, Flask has less surface area that is attacked because it has a considerably smaller code base. Nevertheless, if security flaws emerge in your custom-written app code, you’ll need to address and remedy them. With Flask, the security links are weak as it is more reliant on third-party extensions, and applications get the least secured extensions.

  • Flexibility 

Flask is more flexible compared to Django as in Flask, there are options for appropriate extensions like ORM, permissions, authentication, and so forth. 

In contrast, Django offers less flexibility as the extension results in more flexibility down the road for applications that don’t fit the standard Django model. 

  • RESTful API

 One of the most well-known third-party Django packages, Django REST Framework (DRF), is a framework for exposing Django models over a RESTful interface. Views, serializers, validation, authentication, and more are all included, in addition to a browsable API, versioning, and caching, making it simple and rapid to create APIs. Having said that, remember that it’s designed to be used in conjunction with a relational database, just like the Django ORM.

On the other hand, Flask also includes a good number of extensions like Flask-RESTful, Flask-Classful, Flask-RESTX, Flask-Marshmallow, Flask-JWT, Flask-JWT-Extended, and more. However, all these serve the views, serialization, and Auth respectively.

So, choose connections minutely after confirming the Flak functionality into a single page.

Lastly, When to use Flask & Django? 

Are you wondering which is better and when to use this framework? Well, some scenarios are pointed with which you can understand which framework will be better for your business. 

Django is when: 

  • Working on vast projects (multi-page) with severe deadlines. 
  • You need users’ built-in functions and obtain access to assistance to hasten the development
  • You want to create projects that are secure and require authorization.
  • Possess the ability to increase project size or level of complexity in the future
  • Building web applications that feature API backends or native ORM support is important.

If applicable, Flask should be used when:

  • Working on smaller projects (single-page)
  • You need the support of a variety of databases, including NoSQL.
  • You want to possess flexibility and discretion while selecting libraries and extensions. 
  • You want to introduce more extensions in the future or support APIs.
  • You want to build RESTful web services, fast prototypes, and static websites.


Python developers will be able to use their coding abilities for a lot more in 2023 than just data science, machine learning, or artificial intelligence. Thus, if you’re interested in web programming, you should look at Flask and Django, two well-known Python web application frameworks.

These groups of libraries and modules are a great method to build web pages, web applications, and web services. This blog has compared the essential features, advantages, and more of Flask and Django in order to assist you to decide which framework to choose for your business.
