Should we hire two full-stack developers, or a combination of one back-end and one front-end?
Let’s think it in a way round the clock! If, you are given to create, develop and implement an idea of a big project work, is it possible to do the entire industrial work within a stipulated time all alone? You got to do the entire bulk work within a time frame and that to bit by bit.
Now, let’s check for web development services. We know that there are two ends of programing, one for user end which is developed by front end web developers. The other is for back end coding that supports the front end which is developed by backend developer. Not only that, they cannot work unless front end developer updates backend developer and vice-versa. They work as a team to get the entire work complete.
Whereas, full stack web developers work on the entire project alone. They supports frontend and back end alone. This is one of the updated and upgraded technology where the entire web development job is done faster and at reasonable price. It has reduced the man power to develop a website application in this technology.
Not only that, it has reduced the time taken to develop website application too. As a full stack developer, one needs to have skills in HTML & CSS, JavaScript, HTTP, MySQL, GIT and much more.
Facts that you should learn before hiring a team for your website application.
Before you hire a team for your website, let’s learn why you should hire full stack developer over a team of front end and back end developer.
Less time for development
Full stack developers holds a facility of developing the website, front-end and back end singly. It reduces time for development and can hold error free work as it is being done by one person only.
Easily upgradable
It can be easily upgraded as it is being worked by an expert who holds both the skill set of front and back end together.
Ownership of design and implementation
When an agency works for the website, they take the responsibility as a full stack team work. So, while you hire a full stack developer, your work will be proceeded altogether by one person itself. This reduces manpower and time to develop your finished goods.
Complete solution to your problem
Previously, you had to find people who will develop your front end and back end separately. Now, everything is in your hand. You just need to hire a full stack programmer to get your work done for your web application.
Before you hire an agency for your web application, it is very important to know the advantages and disadvantages of hiring an agency. Moreover, you must know about the facilities that they are offering for the web development services. Know the team working for you. Get the best for yourself.
Summary: Hire Full Stack Developer or backend and front end developers for your website knowing their advantages and disadvantages for both the team. Work with team Techno Exponent and get a value for your money. Get the best in return for your money along with mental satisfaction. We work till you are satisfied.