Why hire a MERN stack developer for your next project?

Why hire a MERN stack developer for your next project

The full-form of MERN is MongoDB Express Angular Node, which includes variations of the MEAN stack. It has a specification where React.JS replaces the traditional Angular.JS frontend framework. All the key technologies from the MERN create a successful stack for your business. It is vital for growth but performing this is not easy, as it requires the help of the best Node.js development company. 

If you are struggling with business growth and want to witness vast growth in life, you can opt for the best Node.js development company. The MERN also includes other varieties like the MEVN and MEAN. The MEVN holds technologies like MongoDB, Express, Vue, Node. All these Javascript frameworks can perform wonders for your business. 

In this blog, we have discussed the benefits of node.js development services. Read on further to get efficient knowledge of the same. 

What is MERN? 

MERN is quite similar to the MEAN stack. However, these two stacks hold a lead distinction. MEAN stack is famous for using the Angular web development framework, whereas MERN uses the React JS framework for developing your industrial structure. The MERN uses four powerful development technologies to ensure effective and smooth working. MERN is nothing but the cipher of these four technologies, explained below: 

  • MongoDB: It is a document-based database that uses an open-source framework. 
  • Express: The Node.js application development company uses Express as a minimalistic tool of Node. It is also famous for its speed. 
  • Node.JS: It Performs all its work on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It uses the Javascript runtime to collect all the information from the server. 
  • React: ReactJS web app is built with this framework on the front end Javascript library to create unique user interfaces. 

Explain the working of the MERN Stack? 

The MERN stack used by the Node.js development services mainly performs all its work by constructing a three-tier architecture (frontend, backend, database). It overall uses JSON and Javascript. 

Node JS server Tier

Inside the Node JS server tier, the Express.JS server-side framework is available. The express web framework is similar to Node’s fast, minimalistic, unobtrusive web framework. It further includes enhanced models for URL routing. On the other hand, it controls the HTTP requests and responses. 

You can hire an express js developer to power your applications using XML HTTP requests. All these functions, in turn, can be used as the Mongo DB’s Node JS drivers. This method meets both updating data in MongoDB and accessing the data through callbacks. 

React JS Tier

The React JS tier is the front tier of the MERN. It is declarative as it creates dynamic client-side applications in HTML. React also allows you to create complex interfaces with the help of simple components. You can render it back as HTML with the backend server. It is getting popular while forming a dynamic suite of applications at small interfaces. It also promotes immense support and handles errors, lists, events, and many more. 

Mongo DB Tier

It is the last tier of the MERN and is also used to store flavourful information in its database. It makes the whole work with Node, Express, React a lot more convenient. The database contains all the information about JSON documents used for React development. 

List of reasons to choose MERN stack for Web Application Development?

Modern technology has advanced and witnessed growth in a vast world. The demand for web applications development has also increased. However, technology is constantly changing as competition and growth are growing. Over the past few years, the web and mobile application development fields have witnessed a state-of-the-art tool. 

With the plethora of applications, you should only hire dedicated Node.js developers. NodeJS backend team can ensure the utilization of MERN. It further includes a vast amount of advantages and has gained increasing popularity. 

According to the reports, almost 32.3% of developers learned to React in 2020. Also, people with 27.6% preferred to react compared to Angular. 

Apart from these, the Stack Overflow Developer Survey found almost 74.5% of developers are employing node.js developers for their business. 

The benefits of the MERN are further listed below:

  1. Relaxed Coding- The react codes are highly flexible and used for servers and browsers. It creates relaxation for the developers due to its high flexibility. Hence, the overall MERN allows the relaxed coding feature for developers and creates pages on servers whenever needed. 
  2. Extended Stack- Hiring a Node.js developer also offers developers access to an extended support team. The MERN stack ensures the ability to access frontend and backend development smoothly. Also, it permits the architectural pattern facility for developers. 
  3. Reduced Costs- The MERN stack includes all four principle technologies. Hence, the features of each technology are together, which is highly budget-friendly for the users. The businesses interested in the react js web app can use MERN. It includes a lesser learning time, accessible set-up, and ensures cost-effectiveness. 
  4. Open Source – It is an open-source app and web development technology. In this way, businesses are free from proprietary licensing. The code licensing complications are not within the technology due to its open-source platform.  
  5. Effective Framework- Last but not least, MERN ensures seamless collaboration with robust in-build technologies. It creates effective, top-notch, and multi-featured software for organizations. The frameworks presented by MERN come with a wide range of pre-built testing tools. 


The advanced technologies present in the MERN stack make it ideal for creating applications at a large scale. It also includes several other benefits for the organizations. MERN developers offer an easy and fast deployment method. Obtaining a Node.js development company with dedicated MERN developers can ensure the same features and be highly effective for your business. 
