Book Live
BookLive Pro is an entertainment platform in which musicians, bands, and artists register themselves as entertainers. One can book live concerts, performances, occasions, etc by logging in as a member on the website. Users after logging in can add their band members to a group and can automate the group to their site according to their convenient time.
Techno Exponent by building BookLive Pro has made the process smoother both for users and entertainers. Our creative developers used technologies like Moment.js, jQuery, and core-js to create such a great opportunity for entertainers to get fame and name both. Also, the clients can check whether the band is available on their site for a particular date or not. By clicking on ‘Book your Event’ the client can easily book for a particular date by choosing the venue from a bunch of options. The client can also choose their own location with the help of Google Maps. Finally, the client will be redirected to the payment page and they have to pay either 25% or the full amount to confirm the booking.